Does head-butting mean anything if no other signs of illness

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
New Brunswick (central)
Tonight when the girls were out playing, I noticed that Anna would do a little head butt whenever I patted her. She eats and runs normally, except for a slight splaying of the back legs (which is recent). I thinks that she is almost two years old, but I am not sure.
My opinion is no. Petunia used to head butt all the time, but never developed a PT (at least not clinically). And sometimes my other rats do it too. I think they develop a instinctual reaction to pressure from above, perhaps to pack the tunnel roof when it's hanging down?
since it is a symptom of pt, I would suggest you keep a close eye on her
or start treating her now given the info you recently shared with me re the early treatment of pt
My girl Phoebe who lived to be well over 3 years old and was never on meds used to head butt all the time when she wanted was very demanding. LOL
It can be sooo hard to determine whether the head butt you are observing is just being irritated or opinionated, or if its involuntary. Miniel is starting to head butt and I am sure its involuntary, but there's no other symptoms like you say. At this point I watch and wait. It may never turn into anything at all and Miniel's only about 19 months old, so I hope its a long time or no more symptoms. Maybe there's a PT in there causing this one symptom but no growing any further than that. I hope we both have the same luck Godmother. ((hugs))

I personally wouldn't treat at this time yet. I would wait until I saw a bit of confusion or the clubbing of the front feet when they turned, a laxness of their body, etc. I find then is when you will get the better results to treatment.
Thanks. I have Zeta on watch, too, although she seemed better last night.

I am sure that it's involuntary (Anna). She doesn't come up to me and do it; it's her immediate response se to a pat on the head.
Godmother said:
Thanks. I have Zeta on watch, too, although she seemed better last night.

I am sure that it's involuntary (Anna). She doesn't come up to me and do it; it's her immediate response se to a pat on the head.

yeah I know what you mean, I pat Miniel and she has her eyes closed and she bumps.
It is hard to tell, I've had some do it as part of who they are and some that did it after starting a PT and then I had my Loki do it and it was her dementia.
Bessie has been head butting when her head is patted .... pretty much the only symptom until she stopped eating independently ....
So maybe it isn't pt but wishing I had started treating earlier as she might have had a better chance
Yes, it's new. :(

I was reading the Rat Health Care web pages on PT last week. They've been updated recently. I was surprised to know that females can develop it as early as 13 months.

PT is such a challenge for me because of the variety of possible symptoms and because of its often-insidious onset. How I wish I'd had Bromo and my current knowledge five and a half years ago, when I didn't detect PT until the last few days with my dear Corrie. But I learn more with every rat, and I am on the lookout for any behavior or personality changes. Guess that's good for any of the possible illnesses.
I think the reason I've had such good results with Bromo (3.5 and 5.5 months) is that I started right away, I didn't wait a few days to make sure if it was an off day. I don't know if I'd start with head bumping alone but if your gut tells you something's going on and you've ruled out illness, I'd start treatment.
Godmother said:
How I wish I'd had Bromo and my current knowledge five and a half years ago, when I didn't detect PT until the last few days with my dear Corrie. But I learn more with every rat, and I am on the lookout for any behavior or personality changes. Guess that's good for any of the possible illnesses.
Ah yes, we are all students in the School of Hard Knocks............

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