Dirty Babies?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
Orange County, New York
I noticed lately that Ice's babies seem very dirty, like she's peed on them or they've peed on eachother or something. I know there are a lot of them for her to take care of, but they were staying really clean until the last couple of days. They are all fat and happy, and their eyes are open now, is this something I need to worry about? I've never noticed it before in the other litters I've raised in the past... Any ideas? Thanks!
Babies Thursday

Babies today
Wow. That is so bizarre. Mom must be peeing on them.
Is Mom a very scared girl and do you try and touch the babies? I can't imagine of why else would she do that. Are other rats around? It's like she needs to claim them.
They're the only rats I currently have, and shes not scared that I can tell, She was a feeder rat her whole life till I brought her and the little ones home, but I can pet her in the cage, and I can take the babies out and she doesn't seem to care one bit...

Would it be ok to wipe them off with some warm water?
Wow! There must be a reason, but why?
It can't be good for the little bubbers to have THAT much pee on them, so yeah, go ahead and wipe them. Just try not to get them too wet.
What's her nest like? It's probably not the same but one of our girls used to clear the bedding and have the babies on the base of the cage with a nest around them and obviously if there was any pee on the base there was nothing to absorb it if that makes sense. It does look like more than that though...

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