Delilah's ****oo...

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Sharlees rattakisses

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
Toronto Canada
Poor little Delilah!! She was spayed 6 days ago and I noticed a little sore on her back two days ago. I thought It was a bite or scratch but it has gotten bigger and it looks round with raised edges like a bed sore. Any ideas? Here is a pix. Thanx Sharlee.
Did they inject her with anything for her spay? That part of her back is normally where they do those, so my first thought would be that she's either A: has been having a reaction, or B: they used something that caused trauma to the injection site. Injectable Baytril and a couple of other medications can cause necrosis [deadening] of the tissue at the site if they're not diluted enough. May be worth calling the vet to ask.

Is it still getting bigger, or has it stayed roughly the same size? I would put her on a course of Baytril, if she's not on one already from her spay, and call your vet to ask them about it. Ask if they may have injected her with something, or anything along those lines. Keep an eye on it, and if it gets any larger, get her to the vet immediately.

1) injection site reaction (baytril)
2) possible a burn from the warming they do after surgery, do you know how they keep them warm?
3) pyoderma starting up (skin infection) (baytril).

Definitely baytril and keep an eye on it. Watch for the spread. Burns take awhile to show up, and Pyo definitely takes its time...I went through that last one once and also had to determine which one it was. My Selene had a tumour removed and the infection started a few days afterward. I will not link you to her case history on ratguide just in case its the first 2 only.