Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm back after a episode of computer failure.
Has anyone heard of the medicinal benefits of (I'm probably murdering the spelling of this) Colloidal Silver? It's big in Alaska as a natural alternative to antibiotics and is supposed to kill all kinds of single cell baddies. I had someone tell me it has been used successfully in curing Parvo in some cases. And I'm wondering if anyone has any real knowledge of the stuff? If anything anyone is saying is true it might be a helpful thing to have around for the Rat (and every bodies) First Aid kit.
Inquisitive as usual. :wave:
Has anyone heard of the medicinal benefits of (I'm probably murdering the spelling of this) Colloidal Silver? It's big in Alaska as a natural alternative to antibiotics and is supposed to kill all kinds of single cell baddies. I had someone tell me it has been used successfully in curing Parvo in some cases. And I'm wondering if anyone has any real knowledge of the stuff? If anything anyone is saying is true it might be a helpful thing to have around for the Rat (and every bodies) First Aid kit.
Inquisitive as usual. :wave: