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Junior Member
Nov 24, 2013

I have two boys, Charlie Sheen and Chubbies.

Neither boy is very pleased with the others existence, I've tried introducing multiple times. They just don't care, even tried neutering.

I have the critter nation 2 in 1 cage. Well. Thats a LOVELY cage to have when you have boys that are out to get one another. -.-

I had to make it the 2 cages obviously or I'd end up with 1 rat...and a very awful story to tell my sister.

So as most that have the 2 in 1 cage they know you have to turn around the middle plastic peice to hide the hole that connects the cages, but it leaves a peice of bars open.

(Maybe? Or did I get a bad version?)

So originally Charlie was on the top cage and he'd sit on the open bar part...and stare at me..

Then Chubbies got the brilliant idea to bite his tail and toes -.-

So I went to the dollar store and picked up some towels and covered it all up... Chubs started climbing the bars to pull the towels into his cage.

There is no winning.. really there isn't.

Today I got so frustrated I switched them. Charlies on the bottom and Chubs is in the top cage. WITHIN 20 MINUTES the damn chubbies figured out how to pull up the poop pan and go visit charlie for a fight.

So I hid his entrance with a towel and his bridge. He hasn't touched it since. -.-

You should be able to swing the middle ladder up and use the hook to lock it in place. That's how I keep my two groups separate. My hook is a little bent, though, so it literally LOCKS the ladder in place. I have to use pliers (or Kyle) to get it apart again.
Make sure the ramp is up, and take the BOTTOM pan and put it in the top section. The bottom pan does not have a hole in it. Put the other pan in the bottom section. (This is assuming you have the Double Critter Nation.)
If both boys are neutered already, then maybe you need to take a step back and start introductions all over again from the beginning.
If that doesnt work you can also use a ceramic tile to cover the corners/edges where the bars might be exposed. but neutering an re-introing should be in the steps so that the boys dont have to live alone.
Well, what did you expect from a rat named Charlie Sheen?? You were asking for trouble - then you put him with a man rat... Charlie needs a harem to exist peacefully. Was Charlie "Winning"? :hahaha: Good luck with your boys.
Both are neutered and ironically charlies the calmer one.

Chubbies was the one looking for ways to get to charlie -.-

Chubs is my sisters rat..

I would LOVE to get them a wife. I have to move out first apparently.
One is over a year and the other is 6-8months. I have tried neutral I was told the bathtub with a few treats and towels and I tried but they liked biting eachother more
I would maybe in a week or so after they both settle down.

Chubs seems to get ampt up every time he sees poor old charlie.

Ill get the good treats for them.. best way to a mans heart right?

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