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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2009
New Hampshire
My vet is giving Onyx clavamox for his abscesses (took a culture and he apparently has 5 different bacterias reeking havoc!). She's a bit tentative about it because it is known to create stomach upset. She recommended me giving him yogurt with it. Has anybody had issues with clavamox and/or have some advice to help him stay well while taking it?
My vet also recommended I give some food after giving my Coco Calvamox. I give a bit of baby food since she has also lost some weight.

I would be interested in hearing what the more experience people on the forum advise.
I have used clavamox quite a bit.
I mix meds with baby cereal and strawberry quick to make it taste better.
I haven't had any problems.

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