Charlene maybe had a stroke? She's gone

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
New Brunswick (central)
Charlene was fine this morning and even a couple of hours ago. I went in to check on them all, wondering if Char would be awake for the glucosamine I'd mixed up for her.

I found her half rolled over on her right side. Her right side is weak, especially at the back. The only thing I knew to do was what SQ had done for Hilda, to give Pred. I gave her the glucosamine mixed with the Pred.

I put her in a soft clean snuggle sack. She moves with great difficulty, but got herself in there head first. All I can do is wait.

Any other suggestions? This reminds me so much of Janie, who lost so much mobility that she had no quality of life.
Charlene was three years old on Feb 5th. This may be the end of the line for her. I will check on her every few minutes. I was lucky with Hilda, who had another 1 1/2 months after her stroke.
SQ, yes, she is on Baytril (a low, maintenance dose). If she rallies I will increase her antibiotic dose. I will give her lots of snuggles from you, and I will try to upload one of those old videos of Charlene and her sisters running up and down our arms when they were babies.

Just now, when I checked on her, there seemed to be no change. She appears to be sleeping, with shallow breaths. I'm making her up some liquid food, and I am hoping that she will be able to take it from my finger or a syringe.

Bill isn't doing so well either. :cry:
Charlene is now more alert, and she ate from my fingers. She wants so much to move around, but she goes in circles and it is a big effort for her. I've taken away the ramp and set her up for one-level living. Here's hoping that the Pred will continue to bring her back.
This morning, Charlene was no better. I managed to get some food & liquid into her so that she would not be dehydrated.

I left her at the vet's, hoping that something could be done but knowing that it was unlikely.

He gave her dex at 0900, but she showed no improvement at all by noon. Her right eye had nystagmus, which was a bad sign.

So I gave the goahead for her to be pts. Wish I could have been there for her, but I am at work.
I will post a tribute to her tonight.

RIP, sweet Char. She lived a good long life.

ETA: Her memorial (with lotsa photos) is at viewtopic.php?f=8&t=17612
Wish I could have been there too ... :sad3:
I will miss Charlene too.
So glad we had that time with Charlene Bill and the others last week.


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