Cedric's symptoms, update pg 2 6-20

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
:cry4: : :sad3: cry4: :sad3: :cry4:

I am freaking out. I just noticed Cedric has a tumor on his belly. Its about the size of a nickel in diamater. its softy and squishy and doesn't feel connected to anything.



I'm going to call CSU vet school and see if they can do surgeries, or maybe the implant. I don't know that I trust my current vet with surgeries, sense they told me they would need to do blood work for the anestesia, which i've been informed is very wrong.

Any suggestions for what I should ask when I call? Should I wait for it to get bigger before its removed? He's young, so he'll recover quick.
I would treat for an abscess first (do warm compresses, have it aspirated if you go to the vet) because that is a common spot for one. If you decide to have it removed, sooner is better than later with a tumour in that area. Also, the implants are supposed to be more effective for females with mammary tumours I believe... I don't know if neutering (implants are chemical spays/neuters) would help prevent those or even if that's a mammary tumour.

Breathe. There's a very good chance it's just an abscess.
ok, going to start trying the warm compress first thing.
i'm going to make a microwaveable heating pad (I really miss the one I had) any sugestions for what to stuff it with? I've read rice, but the one I had was filled with buckwheat.
Or is a damp compress better?
From: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=24944

MomRat said:
We have had better luck, with abscesses in that area, with starting the sitz baths before it opens, to get it to open. Compresses cool really fast and are difficult to keep on the spot. A bath-warm soak once or twice a day goes a lot farther to get it open, and then you can syringe it to keep it cleaned out while it heals. If it goes on for too long or gets scary big, go in for ABS.
ok, soaked him tonight. he hated it of course... but settled down a few mins in.
I put about 2 inches of water in my 10 gal spare aquarium, along with about an 8th cup sea salt. I also put some damp towels in there so he had a place to stand out of the water. I think that made him feel better. After words I wiped him down with a damp towel, with no salt, tried to dry him off a bit, before putting him back with his friends. he really wanted nothing to do with me, other wise i'd have snuggled with him until he dried.
Did I miss anything?
OK, so its been quite a while, and nothings happened. To be honest I haven't been great about making sure he gets soaked twice a day, I feel like it should have at least changed a little bit... How long should I wait? It doesn't seem to be bothering him. Should I switch and really make sure He's getting it in the morning and evening? I just hate torturing him in here... he hates it
OK, so its been quite a while, and nothings happened. To be honest I haven't been great about making sure he gets soaked twice a day, I feel like it should have at least changed a little bit... How long should I wait? It doesn't seem to be bothering him. Should I switch and really make sure He's getting it in the morning and evening? I just hate torturing him in here... he hates it
Splinter had an abscess in exactly the same place that I thought was a tumor too. It ended up draining out of his penis shaft (which was sooo gross) and he felt a bazillion times better.

Here's hoping this is the same for this little dude. It probably is -- I don't think males have mammary tissue since they don't have nipples, so that'd be a very odd place for a tumor, especially one that's not connected to anything.
Males do have mammary tissue, although much less than females do, and can get mammary tumours, but it's not common. Can you go the vet and get it aspirated? That way you know if you need antibiotics, to keep soaking, or need to consider surgery.

I've also heard that Epsom salt is better at bringing abscesses to a head than table salt, that may be worth a try.
So, I just want everyone to get a chance to weigh in on this.
I first noticed the lump about a month ago, and treated it like an abscess, I soaked him twice a day for like 30mins for more than 2 weeks, and his lump didn't change.
I took him to the vet, and he thought hernia, but the xray showed it was not a hernia, so the doc did a quick needle biopsy. The test showed lots of lymphocytes, so he put Cedric on baytril about 10 days ago... nothing has changed. I was told it was either an abscess that is very deep and covered by lots of tissue or lymphoma.
His symptoms are the lump, excess poryphrin discharge (and red coat staining) loose stools that are HUGE for a rat of his size (340g) sneezing (might be related i dunno). He doesn't show signs of pain, he is playful and alert... He's never been a snuggler, and he's still not a fan of it.
I just want to know if i should prepare my self for the lymphoma.
That makes me feel better jo, thanks :). I really don't want to deal with lymphoma... I don't think I could handle it.
I should have enough baytril to last, the vet gave me a bunch.

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