Cats and Rats

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2009
United States
Has anyone had any problems keeping both rats and cats in the same house? I thought about getting a cat, but every time I go near my rats after having been around a cat they freak out--they act very scared and nervous.
I would easily choose to keep rats over cats, but I'm wondering how others have fared keeping them in the same household.

Also, is it the same with dogs as it with cats?
I have two cats and rats. Only one of my rats really likes the cats (she actually seems to really love Ginger, lol). Some of mine are a bit freaked out by them. I just keep the rats room door shut.

They also do seem to adjust, mine don't react to the smell of cats or anything.
I've always had cats and rats. In all the time I've had rats, they were all ok with my cats but I know that several rats are really scared of cats.
I guess it is what they are used to....and maybe the energy of the house..My animals all know they are one is allowed to stare, threaten or hurt any of the other occupants.....I have cats, rats, dogs...lots of dogs...I run a doggy daycare and the rats are actually kept in the dogs play room.....and it does not seem to bother them at all.....My rats could seem to care less....and even new rats I have brought in never seem to mind.....of course they get used to it all gradually...the smell first etc.....
When I moved to my new place all my rats, and 2 cats came with me. My rats were given their very own room away from the cats that the cats were not allowed into. I thought that this would be enough to prevent any effects.

Recently I rehomed my cats to a neighbour. As soon as the apartment was fully cleaned and the cat scent faded, I noticed drastic changes in my girls. They are much more playful and SO much happier and interactive now.

I do get to visit my kitties every now and then and when I come home with their scent on me, there is a change in the behaviour of my rats.
ALL of my rats were/are fearful of me when I smell like the cats. Others say there is no difference. It really depends.
Godmother bought a used cat climber a few years ago.
She cleaned it well, but the rats were extremely fearful.
They never adjusted to it even when it was stored in a seperate area of her home.
Once she got rid of it, her rats were fine ..... and they loved the new cat climber she bought.
Her rats had never been exposed to predators including cats and knew they were safe.

I assume that fear when smelling predators is likely instinctive.

I am very glad you started this thread as I have been thinking of getting a couple of rescue cats.
It sounds like anyone thinking of getting a cat or kitten, needs to see how their rats react to the scent and then to a borrowed cat, before making any commitment.

If my pets reacted fearfully, I wouldn't get a cat ....
Except for two of my rats, ALL my other rats are extremely fearful of my cats. My cats are old and don't harass them and are hardly around, but if I have a rat up my sleeve, and bring them close enough to smell the cat, they will bolt as fast as they can to get away and hide. I have had two litters here, one born here and one a week old, and even though the rats were 'brought up' in a household containing cats, they have never gotten used to them. If I take the rats somewhere the cats have never been (camping in a tent trailer for one group, and at the cottage for this group) they are totally different, exploring like crazy whereas at home they won't leave the cage area even if I leave the doors open literally for hours.
Interestingly enough, the two rats that weren't afraid of the cats were the two mothers of the litters.
I am seriously considering not getting more cats when my two pass on while I have rats.
I have dogs too, and the rats are not afraid of the dogs at all.
I had rats before I brought my first cat home. They were extremely fearful for about 2 weeks, and then suddenly acted like nothing had ever happened. My cat is actually scared of the rats. He stuck his paw in the cage once and got bitten, and now keeps his distance.

They are, however, fearful of dogs. When they see/smell a dog, they freeze and try to hide.
One of my boys used to chase my cat Lucy around and Lucy would like run away from him lol. My girls on the other hand are afraid of Lucy. They don't come out if she's by their cage so I have to keep them separated. My dog Madi got along well with the boys and gets along well with my girls. They play some times and when I've had them out and around in my bedroom Madi helps me round them up lol. So at least in my house dogs are accepted more than cats are.
My rats are not too afraid of the cats. They never get to play obviously but my sister does show them the cat through the cage bars and they dont run away the all want to sniff him and see what he is. The cat on the other hand is terrified of the rats. Even during out time, sometimes one of the cats will hop up on the couch to nap, I obviously wont let the rats run around with him on the cushion but they are usually snuggled in my shirt or my moms and they could care less. The boys are a bit more fearful but I can already tell its fading after just a week of them being here. . Mow my second cat on the other hand, he is on a special low protein diet and ever since e up him on it, he has changed from being uninterested in them to staring at them and going all hunter. Needless to say he isn't allowed to be near them anymore. My cats are 15 and I know they wont hurt them( they have always been indoor cats and so have no clue what they are) But I still don't take risks and don't let them interact. I think it all depends on the cats/rats.

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