I think our little dumbo rat had a stroke. 3 days ago she was fine. I went and fed her and she seemed normal. The next morning my husband went to check on her and she could barely move. She looked like she had a bunch of red discharge from her eyes and nose and had no control over her legs at all. She could barely lift her head but she showed no signs of respitory infection. No weezing, clicking or sneezing. She would still eat and drink if we hand fed her. I had antibiotics on hand so we put that in her water. Over the last 2 days she has improved immensely. She is still very wobbly but she can sit up on her own, she is starting to wash her face now and can even walk although she looks drunk. We are still hand feeding her but she can eat on her own. She has even done a little bruxing and boggling. She is about 2 years old, has anyone heard of something like this?