I have more or less become the legal guardian of my 9 year old brothers rat. My parents bought her alone and I will be adopting a sister for her within the month. It would be sooner if I were not about to leave for several weeks.
We just moved her to a larger Martin's cage last night, and I had the door open tonight letting her investigate freely. I was keeping an eye on her in front of the cage as she climbed out and back in repeatedly. Anyway, I was waiting for the tea kettle and when it whistled I closed the cage door. When I came back she was pretty aggressively nibbling the bars. I touched her nose lightly and said "no" and she pulled away, but only to go back to chewing immediately. I tried this a couple times before letting her back out for play time (which I was planning on doing anyway). She gets a fair amount of the time out of the cage everyday, considering we have three separate people eager to play with her and varying times.
Anyway, I would like to know if there is any way of discouraging this, and how harmful it could be. I'm hoping she doesn't do it more, and that getting her a sister or two might help. If anyone has any suggestions I can pass on to my brother and father in the interim, while I am away, it would be greatly appreciated. It is also entirely possible that I'm being a hyper paranoid adoptive mommy.
I have read stories of broken teeth, which I know can grow back but I still wouldn't want the stress of that for her or us!
***Positive end note: When she was first brought home, she was in a 10gal aquarium, as per suggestion of the pet store. Yesterday we were able to put her in "The Rat Retreat" from Martin's Cages. She seems to be enjoying the extra room, and I'm really excited about expanding the family! I am just worried about the bars, and don't want anything to happen to her while I am away.
We just moved her to a larger Martin's cage last night, and I had the door open tonight letting her investigate freely. I was keeping an eye on her in front of the cage as she climbed out and back in repeatedly. Anyway, I was waiting for the tea kettle and when it whistled I closed the cage door. When I came back she was pretty aggressively nibbling the bars. I touched her nose lightly and said "no" and she pulled away, but only to go back to chewing immediately. I tried this a couple times before letting her back out for play time (which I was planning on doing anyway). She gets a fair amount of the time out of the cage everyday, considering we have three separate people eager to play with her and varying times.
Anyway, I would like to know if there is any way of discouraging this, and how harmful it could be. I'm hoping she doesn't do it more, and that getting her a sister or two might help. If anyone has any suggestions I can pass on to my brother and father in the interim, while I am away, it would be greatly appreciated. It is also entirely possible that I'm being a hyper paranoid adoptive mommy.
I have read stories of broken teeth, which I know can grow back but I still wouldn't want the stress of that for her or us!
***Positive end note: When she was first brought home, she was in a 10gal aquarium, as per suggestion of the pet store. Yesterday we were able to put her in "The Rat Retreat" from Martin's Cages. She seems to be enjoying the extra room, and I'm really excited about expanding the family! I am just worried about the bars, and don't want anything to happen to her while I am away.