Breeding Rats...

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Marylou Mader

Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
Milwaukee Wisconsin USA
I brought this issue here, as it came from Names for Litter.

I think it is poor judgment on a parent to allow a child to breed ANY species of animal, whether it be a cat, dog or rat.

The fallout is the same, TOO many and NOT enough homes.

I can believe that one could buy a couple of rats and then have them turn out to be pregnant, or a male and female and not know it due to ignorance.

Once this has happened it is hard to believe that they would continue with this total IGNORANT behavior.
Totally 100% agree with you.

It sickens me to see the young take on such huge responsibility. It's NOT a game!!! Kids need to stop breeding.
Some adults need to do the same like this rattery in Hamilton.
You need years of experience with rats, you need to know your genetics, you need LOTS OF MONEY, you need a good vet, you need proper housing, time and patience and the ability to safely and comfortably house all the litters should they not get sold.

A year or so ago, we took in a breeding trio. It was a kid that was breeding them and selling to the pet store for pocket change. The parents were supporting this. WTF!! and when the pet store closed down (thank god) they had to get rid of the rats.
Ditto... I find it offensive that someone would post here looking to rehome a ton of rats and mice and then throw tantrums when she is questioned as to why she has so many accidental litters. Even more disturbing when you look at her profile and see she is 15. Who lets their 15 year old breed pets? And then she pretends she's rescuing. Does she really think anyone's buying it?

I gagged when I saw the RTR pics, 19 girls in one tiny cage, PEWs that look like fawn because they are so dirty, those poor boys with horrible infections. We don't need anymore unhealthy, aggressive rats without homes. It is unfair that so many people involved with rescues are dedicating so much of their time and life savings to helping these rats and they aren't even making a dent because there are so many lazy people out there that breed rats (or other animals) looking to make a fast buck because it is beneath them to flip burgers and clean toilets. Breeding any animal ethically is hard work, incredibly expensive, and requires a lot of knowledge and experience.
I could never understand breeding almost any animal. People should be licensed to breed anything.

I see so many rats,cats,dogs,piggies ect to give free or they want a ton of money for there wonderful way of BYB(backyard breeding)

I have never bred anything in my life and never ever plan to. We had one girl have babies here in my home and it was from the Montreal SPCA when we fostered for them, first time i ever in my life seen new born anything.

And parents letting their kids do this makes me so sick. And then the parents blame it on the kid and go turn around and say something like "get rid of them all now" and so on the parents do not take any responsibility for there kids.

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