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New Member
Jan 18, 2011

First off, sorry if these questions have been asked before. I read through the forums a bit, but I may have missed something.

I'm currently the proud, if slightly accidental owner of a pair of male rats I've named Mordecai and Minimus. They were given to a young girl for this christmas just past who promptly decided that she was terrified of them. They ended up at my friends house, who decided he didn't want them either and the poor little guys had to make yet another trip to my house. (how's that for a testament to not giving animals as gifts) I'm determined this will be their last stop and as such I've done a ton of reading on rats in general, but I don't have anyone to ask my questions to, so here's hoping someone here can help.

My biggest concern with their behavior is how they act towards one another. Minimus is obviously the dominant one, having a very alpha male kind of personality, bold as brass when in their cage, though still too shy to come out, unlike the quiet, laid back Modecai who is currently asleep in my shirt pocket. Their interactions for the main part seem to be pretty typical dominant/submissive behavior, short tussles ending with Mordecai on his back with Minimus grooming him rather aggressively, no bites or blood. This morning though, after listening to a long night of more squeaking than usual, I woke up to find Minimus asleep in their usual place and Mordecai clinging to the bars of the cage, having crammed himself between the cage wall and their big wheel. I wasn't too terribly worried, figuring the noise of me getting out of bed may have startled him, but after eating breakfast, showering and dressing, a good two, two and a half hours, he was still there. I got worried that maybe he was stuck, but when I opened the cage door and reached to remove the wheel he climbed down and came over to my hand just like he normally does.

So my question is: Do you think Minimus is terrorizing him somehow? And if so, should I worry/separate them/intervene in some way?

Also, I've read lots of places that neutering male rats can mellow their personalities, but I'm slightly hesitant to trust my tiny little friend to a vet for major surgery that may be unnessicary... is there anything else that can be done?... or any suggestions on vets I could trust in the Vancouver B.C area?
Neutering can help a lot with general day to day behaviour but it also has health benefits, like reduced chance of penis plugs when they get older and fatter. All my boys are neutered and I will probably continue to do so in the future for that reason alone (plus it makes having possible ladies in their future much easier!) We do have a few members in BC so hopefully someone can suggest somewhere, or you could contact the find people at LMR and ask who they use

Do you have any idea, at all, how old they are? Could you post pictures of them for us? Age can help dictate what exactly what their behaviours means. Younger boys could have had a long night of rough play.

It doesn't sound like Minimus is terrorizing, everyone's colonies have bad nights. But something certainly freaked Mordecai out. How long have you had them?
I agree with Moon. Neuters can have other health benefits and it does help make the boys more mellow in general *squishy, snuggly boys*

Age is a great help with trying to work out what is happening in the cage. At around 10 months the hormones spike so if they are around that age then that could be the cause but since you said they were a christmas pressie i would assume they are more likely 8-10 weeks of age, if this is the case then it is probably just rough play.
Also what size cage are the boys in?
If the cage is not big enough then this could be causing issues too.
Thanks for responding guys ^_^

I've had them for five days now (including today). I suspect they're both pretty young, they still look like just little ones to me.

Here's some photos of them in front of my hand for comparison.





sorry about the one of Minimus ^_^ like I said before, he's much shyer out of the cage than Mordecai, and definately did not feel like posing.

As for their cage, you can see it in the background there. It's 2ft long by 16in tall by 15in deep. I bought it as an alternative to the glass aquarium they came in, but it's not intended for the long term, just until I get a bigger multi-level cage. I hoped it would be alright for now, but do you think they need more space? I can put a rush on getting a bigger home for them if they need it.
Bigger is always better when it comes to living space. That way you can set up several sleeping areas and if someone feels like being by himself he can. Cages are better for their respiratory health than aquariums, but if you cover the cage with a blanket it decreases the ventilation. And you will come down some day and half the blanket will be pulled in through the bars, full of holes!
All my rats are neutered/spayed. Good health benefits, easier temperment, and you can mix the sexes. I have three boys and five girls and don't have to worry about any oopsie litters.
Glad you decided to give the boys a home - you will really enjoy them. Keep reading posts and you will learn all kinds of useful tidbits that may come in handy later on.
Handsome boys ya got there!
These boys look young, under 4 months. In fact they seem to be about 2 months old with that soft fur look.
That cage is extremely small and they need much larger space.
If they as young as I think they are, just a cage change should settle them.

Thanks ^_^ The cage isn't usually covered, but I noticed it was cold in the room at the time and was worried about them catching a chill. I'll be sure to remove it now that the room is warmed up though.


I'll definately be getting them a bigger cage, stat. Goodbye meager savings >_<. Heh, ah well, the cuteness is worth it.

Thanks everyone for the help! It has been much appreciated.

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