Just yesterday I noticed that my old rat Bobby (I would say he's older than 2 and a half, probably closer to 3) has a problem with his right foot. It's sticking out at an odd angle from his body and he's not really moving his foot at all. It feels a bit cold and doesn't seem to be as pink as his other foot. I don't know whether he's broken/dislocated something or has a growth on his leg that's cutting off circulation, but he doesn't seem to be in any visible pain (though I don't know how to check). He's still walking on that leg and earlier on tried to groom himself with the foot, so I'm a bit unsure of what's going on and what to do.
Also, his testes have disappeared. The other day I noticed that I could barely see them, and now they've completely disappeared into him. He still seems fine, being as eager for his treats as he always is he's eating, albeit slowly (but he's old and ate slowly before).
Also, his testes have disappeared. The other day I noticed that I could barely see them, and now they've completely disappeared into him. He still seems fine, being as eager for his treats as he always is he's eating, albeit slowly (but he's old and ate slowly before).