Okay so a little bit of an update and a few questions...
My sister and I went to the exotics vet after school to talk with him about getting Tristan neutered. (We found out he has done many, so I hope that it will go smoothly). We would like to know what we can do to prepare. He and Oliver have been fighting, as you know, and neither seems to know who is in charge and there has been a lot of blood spilled.
Twice Tristan has gone for Oliver's man parts, and both times he broke the skin. This was the second.
We have them in separate cages at the moment, because the emergency vet told us we should neuter them before reintroduction, and we have been playing with them in their playpen. Last night we noticed that they were becoming more aggressive and ignored treats, they began to flip all over the area after Oliver was mounting Tristan. Tristan fought back and was rubbing his butt on Oliver and going for his underside/man parts again. We're afraid they might be forgetting each other.
Tonight I read up on some of the "intros" posts to see if there was something I could do to keep it safer. We gave them yogurt and that was all, no hiding spots or toys. When Tristan was rubbing his bum on Oliver I put my hand between them and said NO. If Oliver mounted Tristan I flipped him and rubbed his belly. They boxed, squeaked, and flipped all over two or three times. The final time Oliver had a snip of his ear missing there was a little blood. Tristan had a nail on his back paw ripped back. So we decided that was enough for tonight. I just don't know what we are doing wrong.
Another question we have is how to handle Tristan after he has been neutered. Do we need to keep them totally separate with no play time until he is healed? If so, approximately how long would that last? Will we have to reintroduce them?
Thanks so much for taking the time to help us out and read our long posts :grouphug:
The original post of this was here
viewtopic.php?f=22&t=13845&p=186157#p186157 I thought it would be better to move it.