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Active Member
Feb 21, 2014
My 4 month old female, Mickie has been biting. At first it was just nips, and we told her no which she understands. Now she is drawing blood. She has always been skittish and never lets us play with her. She will approach us and climb on us and on rare occasion play. But I really don't know what to do with her. I understand through research that she is probably going through hormonal changes. But I don't know how to correct her behavior.
She has bitten my 4 year old when he stuck his finger in the cage (which I have advised him not to do, but he wanted to pet her). And she has nipped my husband and I when we first got her while in the cage, but she has been biting hardest while outside of the cage. At first it was just her nipping my toes and running away. But she has drawn blood on my husband and my son's ears. She climbs up their shoulders and bites them out of nowhere and then retreats. She has also been showing signs of dominance with the other rats, boxing and pinning them down and mounting them. Daily now for the past week after a month of just nipping. Initially Lucy was more dominant, but the roles have changed
I think your mistaking a rat's bites. When a rat bites you - you bleed A LOT and sometimes need medical attention. I've been bitten twice and the area looked like a crime scene. One required medical attention and I have nerve damage in my finger. Fingers, treats, etc through the cages bars - is prohibited. Next time you get a hard nip - try a time out cage. Put your rat in a travel cage, small cage with NOTHING inside for 10 minutes only - and ignore it. Don't give your rat any stimulation - after 10 minutes take it out - do this every time. Good luck
She practically pierced my son's ear today. I have always told my son not to put his fingers in the cage but I was in the kitchen where I was out of view for all of a minute. As a parent it is inevitable to leave their sides at times. This bite was also very bad. I thankfully am in the medical field so I know how to deal with every type of wound.
I think with this one you will need to socialize her a lot. Also, never let her near your face, some rats are habitual nippers and it's practically impossible to stop them.
You should take this rat out a lot, carry her around, give her treats, show her that humans and hands are always a good thing.
Being these are our first rats and we did not know about shelters for rats or about adopting them so they were purchased at PetsMart when they were 6-8 weeks old. Thank you for the advise of extra handling. She is a wiggle worm and when she gets away from us she hides in hard to get places. She even found a place in our bathroom where we can't get to her.
And thank you for the concern. My son was more upset because he thought Mickie didnt like him anymore. I am keeping my son away from Mickie until her temperament calms down
Yesterday Mickie not in the mood for interaction. She usually comes right out of her cage, but she did not. I put my hand in her cage, palm up and she pushed it away and then nipped at me. Today she seems ok, normal adventurous self. She was nicer to the other rats. She still did not find interest in interacting long with me, even though I had her favorite treats. She is so stubborn. But I adore her uploadfromtaptalk1394731388921.jpg
I have great news! We put Mickie in a cage by herself and put the other two in the large cage together. Mickie became very social. She was seperate for a month and we let her join the other two and they are all snuggling and getting along so well. :)
That's great!! We separated our 3 boys that had issues and after awhile we put them back together in a bigger cage and they too are living in rat harmony - 95% of the time... Glad it all worked out.... :bliss:

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