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So it was too soon and my boyfriend and I are so mad at ourselves. I was stuck at work till midnite last night, so he brought all the boys out for their playtime. (Got 2 new boys about 3 weeks ago. I estimate them to be about 2 months-Badger- and 2.5/3 months-Blintz- at this point.) This is the 2nd time we've had them all out together, getting the intros started. All the big boys ignore Blintz (is it cause he's hairless?), but not Badger. Ben, my 5 mo, has been like shoving his body at him sideways with his head down, like he wants him to groom him maybe? But not biting or anything, but this freaks the lil guy out and he squeaks and jumps and runs away. So finally I guess Benny gave up on whatever he was doing to Badger. But then Panache, 9 mo, starts doing the same thing. My boyfriend is watching them the whole time and breaking them up when the little boy gets too agitated, letting Badger chill on him for a while. Then his mom called, Panache got after Badger again, and when my boyfriend picks him up he has a huge (like an inch, but Badger is so little, it is big on him) cut behind his ear on his neck going down his throat. My bf felt terrible! It wasn't bleeding, which was weird. He washed it out with some water/peroxide and put everyone away. He changed Badger/Blintz's fleece even though it just got changed the night before. And yeah. Then I got home and I'm freaking out seeing this gaping wound. It literally looked like someone had just sliced his skin, but you could see the flesh/muscle when he stretched his neck out. So I called the nearby 24hr animal hospital and they said no one there then handles exotics, so if it could wait I should call in the morning to make an appt with the exotics vet. He was acting completely normal, like he didn't even know he was injured and it wasn't bleeding so I decided to wait so he could see someone who knew what they were doing. So this morning, called and the exotic vet isn't in till Tuesday, they gave me the numbers for 2 other animal hospitals that see exotics and it was the same with them! :gaah: So then I really look at my little boy. (I had checked on him first thing, but I was making sure it wasn't worse...) The wound has completely closed up! There's like barely even a scab, it's like his skin just knitted back together. And this was just over the course of 6 hours. And then I had to go to work, where I am now. I am still a little worried in case it gets infected, should I keep vet hunting for something sooner than Tuesday, just take him in on Tuesday, or not bother with the vet unless things change? He is still acting normal! No owie stretches or anything! I am mystified. Sorry for the long post...