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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
Has anyone used Biaxin for myco infections? I work at a people clinic and can get free samples so I've been using Biaxin with a few of my myco boys. Debbie Ducommon's Rat Guide has it listed and the dosages are just suggested. But it is supposed to actually kill the Myco and not just deal with the secondary infections.
According to the rat guide, its OK to used with caution. How do you find it works rodentmama?
It's always great to have a new trick our sleeves when it comes to Myco.

rodentmama, I look forward to finding out how it worked for your ratties. I like that it causes less GI distress than similar antibiotics.
I've had mixed success with it. It doesn't taste bad though and I can get it as a free sample at work. Unfortunately most of my myco babies have had really resistent strains of bugs and the abx doing work for long.
Biaxin is Clarithromycin - in the same class as erythromycin but not quite the same. I have some also but haven't tried it yet because I can't find enough information on it, although one article I found where it was compared to erythromycin found almost identical results. It said "there were no statistically significant or clinically important differences between the two treatment groups."

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