Well-Known Member
So, I woke up this morning to Nimmel being super sneezy. And she's normally a dry sneezy girl, but it was constant enough that I rattyphoned her, and her breathing is a little whistly and her sneezing was just a bit squeaky. Of course, since I got her and her sisters out to play on the bed, she hasn't sneezed once. I should mention we are on vacation at my MIL's away from their normal space; its the first time the girls have been here. I'm trying to decide if she's coming down with something and I should start Baytril Immediately, or if she's just having 'new home sneezies' particularly aggravated by the fact that my MIL burned some incense last night, our door was shut but still, it's in the air system. (I feel so bad about that, our adoption contract explicitly stated no incense, and I didn't even think to mention it to her while she was watching them for two days(we were in a wedding) because I didn't know she was in the habit of burning it. :emb: )
HOWEVER, my real question is this: I checked her weight from our rat notebook from last week, and went to the rmca drug chart to determine dosage in case we decide to start her on the Baytril, and it says, for 2.27%(which is what we have) .2cc/lb. Nim's last recorded weight was 13.6oz, which is .85 pounds. .85x.2cc=.17cc, which sounds like a reasonable dose for a rat in my experience, BUT we just ended a 6 week round of Baytril with Gregory, who weighs just over a pound, and his dosage as determined by our vet was .14. Is this just a dosage spectrum thing? Or have we been underdosing him? I was expecting something like .11 or .12 for Nim, and if she starts up sneezing again I'm not sure what concentration to give her. Thanks!
HOWEVER, my real question is this: I checked her weight from our rat notebook from last week, and went to the rmca drug chart to determine dosage in case we decide to start her on the Baytril, and it says, for 2.27%(which is what we have) .2cc/lb. Nim's last recorded weight was 13.6oz, which is .85 pounds. .85x.2cc=.17cc, which sounds like a reasonable dose for a rat in my experience, BUT we just ended a 6 week round of Baytril with Gregory, who weighs just over a pound, and his dosage as determined by our vet was .14. Is this just a dosage spectrum thing? Or have we been underdosing him? I was expecting something like .11 or .12 for Nim, and if she starts up sneezing again I'm not sure what concentration to give her. Thanks!