A while ago, I adopted two, 4 month old PEWs from someone who'd had them since they were 6 weeks old but no longer want them, they're around 5 months old now.
At the time, they were terrified of me and would squeak every time I tried to hold them or even pet them, they're still on the skittish side but they're warming up to me slowly. They've settled in lovely with my group, but I've noticed some behaviours that I've never seen in my other Rats.
One of them bar bites something fierce! It's always on particular part of the cage but I don't have any clue why he's doing it? Is there any reason for it? and is there anyway to stop him, if not, is it going to hurt or damage him in anyway? I thought it could be due to stress but he seems pretty relaxed otherwise, he just occasionally goes to chew on the bars, just like some of my others go to chew on their wooden toys.
They both have a serious issue with biting through the bars, but it's not just a "Yum! Oh wait this isn't food" bite, it's a "I'm going to take your finger off and keep it as a trophy" bite, I assume this is from the previous owner feeding through the bars and them just expecting it now but could it be something else? Is there a way to stop them from doing this as well? Normally my Rats learn that a stern "No" after they've done something bad, but I don't fancy sticking my finger in the cage and trying that technique with these guys!
Sorry for all the questions! Any suggestions would be great!
At the time, they were terrified of me and would squeak every time I tried to hold them or even pet them, they're still on the skittish side but they're warming up to me slowly. They've settled in lovely with my group, but I've noticed some behaviours that I've never seen in my other Rats.
One of them bar bites something fierce! It's always on particular part of the cage but I don't have any clue why he's doing it? Is there any reason for it? and is there anyway to stop him, if not, is it going to hurt or damage him in anyway? I thought it could be due to stress but he seems pretty relaxed otherwise, he just occasionally goes to chew on the bars, just like some of my others go to chew on their wooden toys.
They both have a serious issue with biting through the bars, but it's not just a "Yum! Oh wait this isn't food" bite, it's a "I'm going to take your finger off and keep it as a trophy" bite, I assume this is from the previous owner feeding through the bars and them just expecting it now but could it be something else? Is there a way to stop them from doing this as well? Normally my Rats learn that a stern "No" after they've done something bad, but I don't fancy sticking my finger in the cage and trying that technique with these guys!
Sorry for all the questions! Any suggestions would be great!