Bambi is barbering..Advice please

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Senior Member
May 25, 2012
London, Ontario, Canada
Hi,my boy Bambimis barbering him self, I noticed this a few days ago, but barely anyndurnwas missing, some didn't think about it. But now his left arm is missing the fur in the inside. I was hoping I can get adviceonnuow to help him, maybe more toys? Or maybe it's the stress if Teddy always bugging him I'm not sure. Any advice is great. Thank you.
I've had a few who did that in the past and I just left it alone. The only time I'd intervene is if they were barbering themselves raw and bleeding.
He might stop it eventually.
skittles has done that most of her life. She is 30 months old now and still does it on occasion. It can indicate pain or boredom. Stress is also a factor. Some rats just do it to do it.
Thank you, his skin in a little irritated, And there is one little... How to I say it, leading spot. Hopefully he will stop, or ablest it won't bother him. But I think I will try a few extra toys at night. Thank you both, and I can take a picture if needed.
I've had a barberer that was just a super enthusiastic rattie girl. She'd give haircuts to other rats. No amount of toys would stop it but it never became a huge problem .... until the others started to do it to her :emb: For a while I had really funny looking girls.
=p aww, poor girlies The toys seemed to work for a while, but then after a few days he pulled all the hair up to his armpit and then moved on to his other arm, which is about 1/3 of the way up. I still try changing toys every day and making finding there fresh veggies fun for them. Hopefully it wont get too bad.

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