Bailey's tumor , getting bad

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
Kansas City, Missouri.
Ugh. Everytime I come here it is bad news and I am in a delima. I just lost Lily a couple months ago. If anyone remembers I took her in to get a tumor removed and she died at the vets office.

Well during that time Bailey, my oldest (35 months old this month) had some respirtory problems. They gave her baytril and said it was most likely permanent with her weezy and breathing issues. So she has been on Baytril most of the last couple months. She is deteriorating fast it seems. I have never had a rat live this long with me, either lost them suddenly or to a tumor or cancer of some type. She now also has a large mass/tumor under her arm pit....which I am sure is not helping her breathing I am sure it is close to her lungs and not helping. At what point do I make that decision?? Here is what:

*Breathing still labored, not a ton worse over the last month, but some.
*Lately has had a wet bottom, like she is wetting herself. I still see her come out and deficate and occastionally urinate, but it seems she is just urinating whenever and where ever she is even if she is in bed. Her bottom is constantly wet....and last night it was not only wet around her bottom and between was all the way up to her armpits (line up the middle)
*Last night when I got her out, her mouth was wet around her chin area. She seemed to be struggling a little bit with breathing, when I wiped her mouth it was slimy, clear slimy. I was going to take her to the vet er and see what they can do but she seemed to come out of it. (i have been at work all night dont know if any worse but I let her out last night after that and it never happened again, left for work 2 hrs later she seemed back)
* She has a very large tumor on her was pea size just a couple months ago and is now quarter way would I attempt to have it removed due to her age and breathing problems, she would never make it.

*Still eating good, and drinking good. Last night she had grapes and ate one right up.
*Still gets around good, when I get her out I lay on the bed with her and she crawls all over and gets down and runs on the floor, when I get her out she does not want back in.
**Eyes still look good, she has lost alot of weight but her eyes and nose is clear and not crusty and matted etc.

I know there is more bad than good...I just dont know at what point do you say ok....she has had enough. It is so hard to tell if she is in pain. SHe doesnt cry out or make any noises of any kind and she loves to come out and walk around and be out....she doesnt seem withdrawn or lethargic.

I dont know what much else the vet can do for her, she certainly isnt a "rat vet" but she seems to know enough to get by and she listens to me when I come to her with can we try this? She is the one who tried to help Lilly and cried along side me when I went to pick her up.....she knew alot more than I thought she did.

Bailey is my last hard as it is to NOT have one....I know after her I need to take a break for a heart can't take it.....I know alot of you have lots of rats rather its rescue or whichever, I dont know how you get used to the heartache....(not really used to but u know what I mean) it is so hard.

Any advice? Do I give her a few more days and see what happens? I dont want to have her pts. I dont want to make that decision.......its hard when you know they are sick, yet seem so full of life yet.


She cannot groom herself, so its up to you to do it. She needs to be gently wiped down when she's wet or a warm bath just for the dirty areas on her belly, so the urine doesn't scald her skin.

The tumor is small enough that its not affecting too much. Mammary tumors grow out not in so its unlikely to be bothering her lungs.

Sounds like she went through a little choking session with the slimy chin, but you didn't even see any gasping or retching so it sounded pretty mild, unless you missed that and she was just in the recovery phase.

Everything else tells me she wants to stick around a little longer. Make sure she has softer foods if she wants them, and spoil her rotten with cuddles and anything else she loves. What a trooper!! :mrgreen:
Thanks Lil! Makes me feel better. Do I use any kind of soap or just warm water? What kind of soft food? Human food I assume, but like? I mean I am used to giving them like spagetti noodles, some fruits, veggies, ceral etc, but that is all harder stuff. And she was gasping a bit...kind of like trying to swallow but couldnt quite. She must of been coming out of it from when I seen her. SHe does groom herself alot still...she cleans her face ad she sits down and tries to clean her wetness, its not really funny cus she is a little weat at times....maybe cute is more the word for it....she sits down to groom her privates and has trouble sitting up to do it, she will roll back and seems to get frustrated, sometimes she will come running over to me and lean up against me or wait for me to put my hand down in a cup form for her to lean into so she can get to her self.

She has been through alot....lost two cage mates and now this...she is a trooper that is for sure!

I just use warm water myself for wipes and bathing.

Try Ensure and baby cereal...strawberry is the loved flavour here. Lots of nutrients and food/liquid at the same time :D
Thanks Jo and Lil. Will definately get some strawberry ensure today and try some baby cereal. Just got home from work a bit ago and she is sleeping soundly. :heart: I noticed she sleeps very very hard now. So she is okay gonna wake her in a bit for some meds. Thanks again

You're doing great with your old girl. Sometimes they do need our support to sit and clean. You'll know it's time when the light goes out of her eyes. Lots of soft foods and treats. and lots and lots of love.
Well the baby ceral went over well.. she ate some of that last night, will try ensure tonight. No signs of the mouth thing today. Hope it was just a one time thing. Last night she was being mischevious and getting into stuff she knows is off limits, so she is feeling spunky.

Ill post a few pics in the meet rat section

Forgot to ask....will any of this baby cereal or ensure cause diariah? (sp?) I just didnt want to see it and think something is wrong. Figured with diet change it may? She still has her normal food just adding in cereal and or ensure daily for something extra and different.


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