Ava's Smell?!? - ear pus

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Midland, ON
I took Ava to the vet last week as she has been sneezing and her nose has been making a clicking sound. Also the main reason is that on her right side where she's missing an eye, it smells, somewhat like a pus smell. My vet looked in her eyes. She found that her eye is deformed. She can see the optical lens in there but it seems as if she was born that way. She checked her mouth, ears everything and there is nothing that can indicate where this smell is coming from. I am truly stumped on this one. I did smell her mouth and nose and the smell doesn't originate from there.

Anyone have any ideas?
Ok I took a more specific smell tonight, I believe it's from the ear. I am going to call my vet tomorrow with that news. It smells worse near the ear and not as much near the eye.
HMMMMM now that's a thought.

Now Wayne says it's pus, but I find it's a different smell then Erin (who had many facial abscesses). So I am not sure whether it's infection or abscess.
The infection/abscess could smell very different depending on the bacteria. Chlorpalm is a good bet for an antibiotic. Hope your girlie clears up fast once she gets treatment.
So we are back from the vet and we have answers YAY!!!

The other night at the vet she didn't take an in depth look in Ava's ear. Well we did tonight and I was right it is her ear. Her right ear has liquidy pus way down in. The other side was inflamed. So she flushed it, then put drops in and I have chloroplam to give her. She told me 10 days. Should I do more then that?

I look forward to Ava smelling like grapes finally. She smells horrible right now :(
jorats said:
I'm pretty sure 10 days is the norm. But if you still smell it, you could call in for more?

I don't think I have to worry about running out. She gave me a lot. I will keep going for longer if needed. I'm sure that's what my vet will tell me to do.
LA said:
jorats said:
I'm pretty sure 10 days is the norm. But if you still smell it, you could call in for more?

I don't think I have to worry about running out. She gave me a lot. I will keep going for longer if needed. I'm sure that's what my vet will tell me to do.

You were given the full bottle? I think it's only good for 14 days once open and you gotta keep it in the fridge. If I remember correctly.
14 days or 3 weeks? I used one bottle for Brie for her 3 week course. Hmmm...

Sooo glad lovely Ms. Ava has an answer to her issue. :heart: Thank god its only the ear, not the eye...I always worry so much about infection smells near the eye.
The bottle says it's good until 2013 and to keep it at 15C-22C. She said I didn't have to refridgerate it.

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