At what point do you consider putting them to sleep?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Peterborough, ON
I was thinking about this a few days ago when I was struggling with the decision about if I should put Izzie to sleep or not.

At what point do you put them to sleep? Of course try all of your options, but is there ever any point where you know that nothing is going to work?

My biggest fear is that there is pain when it happens, and it terrifies me. Especially with what happened last time. She had breathing problems and it took over ten minutes of gas to knock her out. I couldn't stay in there for the needle so after they brought her out to me I looked at her and her eyes were open. Of course all these thoughts come rushing to me like was she awake for the needle? If she was I could never forgive myself.

Bah. Maybe I'm just a basket case, but the vet agreed with me that ending her suffering was the best route to take.
awww, hun Dr.Hsaio would never have given Izzy the needle had she not been asleep. So no need to worry about that hun, ok?
and he's right, you helped stop her suffering.

For me, I start to conteplate the idea when they no longer are living like a rat should live. I also take a deep look into their eyes, you can tell when the 'sparkle' is gone. Also it depends on what is wrong for me too. If they are struggling to breathe, and meds aren't working anymore, they can't play, eat, etc. the normal things a rat SHOULD be able to do, that's when I phone Dr.Hsaio and make the appt.

It's a crappy decision, but it's one you HAVE to make when becomming a pet parent.
rats often keep their eyes open when under anesthesia...Dr Munn told me all about it, and it often freaks out pet owners. The vet makes sure they are heavily under before administering the injection. Dr Munn often pinches toes, since rats have a natural reflex even when asleep, and has other tests I cannot remember offhand.

Your Izzie was comfortable at the end don't worry.

As for when? I wait until they show signs of unhappiness or dullness and not just 1 bad day. I have 2 rats at home I am watching carefully. They both have huge abdominal masses...I have them both on dex and batyril for breathing, possible shrinkage of tissue and the bit of euphoria produced. One is 28 months old and never been sick since I got her, and the other is Pinn's daughter Chara and she is only 17 months old. Right now they are eating, drinking and bright, but once that significantly changes I will figure out a way to have them pts (Dr. Munn is out of town for awhile).

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