Are my boys too small?

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Senior Member
May 25, 2012
London, Ontario, Canada
I have to young male rats, assumed at 5-6weeks old and i just weighed them and they are at 87 Grams (Thumper) and 96 Grams (Bambi)... (this sounds a little too small for me..?) Here is four images for you to picture their size. Oh and i now have had them for one week exact.






They look more 4weeks then 5-6weeks, maybe they just need to gain a little weight too? Not sure :S i'll let others have an idea. They are still very cute though :D
Thank you. Im assuming they might just be a little small for their age, specially since out of the six rats that where there they where the only two left by the time i got them.
They look like 4 weeks ... too young to be away from mom :sad3:
I would suppliment their diet with soy infant formula mixed up with baby cereal.
aww poor little guys away from mom so young...but lucky you, they're adorable!
Thank you everyone, i know they cant be 4 weeks as i asked if they are old enough to be away from mom and the girl assured me, and i will try me best to give them a good diet to help them grow strong and healthy if she did lie to me about their age.
By the size of the "goodies under their tail I would say at least 5 weeks....plenty big enough to be away from their momma....They look great to me.

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