I was watching Hope eat and noticed that she's sitting far back on her haunches and resting her arms on the cage shelf to eat
I offered her food, a puffed wheat, but she didn't even try to grab it with her paws, instead reaching up with her mouth (I often have the girls stand on their hind legs for a treat, so this isn't unusual, but I couldn't figure out a way to get her to take it with her paws)
here's a photo of her, see how she's sitting? is that from her age (around 2yrs old) or is that a sure sign of a PT?
Hope has a huge inoperable tumor on her back, beside her spine, and a new very small tumor under her front leg, probably a mammary gland tumor
could she actually end up with three different types of tumors?
This girl came from a CL ad, the previous owner said she got them from a "breeder" but could not provide a birthdate for the girls (I got her with Cookie) nor could she tell me the name of the breeder (she later said she got her from a friend, who got her from a breeder..... :roll: )
in any case, she's about 2 yrs old, give or take as much as a couple of months either way.
Hope by catnapt, on Flickr
this photo is blurry but you can see how she stands up to get a treat, if she can do that, does that mean she probably *doesn't* have a PT?
I admit, I have not read up on these tumors, it just makes me too sad, since losing Cookie recently.
Hope stands for a puffed wheat by catnapt, on Flickr
another even blurrier photo- the small tumor is under the "arm" on the right, the one with the curled paw
Hope by catnapt, on Flickr
what do you think?
does it look like PT?
I offered her food, a puffed wheat, but she didn't even try to grab it with her paws, instead reaching up with her mouth (I often have the girls stand on their hind legs for a treat, so this isn't unusual, but I couldn't figure out a way to get her to take it with her paws)
here's a photo of her, see how she's sitting? is that from her age (around 2yrs old) or is that a sure sign of a PT?
Hope has a huge inoperable tumor on her back, beside her spine, and a new very small tumor under her front leg, probably a mammary gland tumor
could she actually end up with three different types of tumors?
This girl came from a CL ad, the previous owner said she got them from a "breeder" but could not provide a birthdate for the girls (I got her with Cookie) nor could she tell me the name of the breeder (she later said she got her from a friend, who got her from a breeder..... :roll: )
in any case, she's about 2 yrs old, give or take as much as a couple of months either way.
Hope by catnapt, on Flickr
this photo is blurry but you can see how she stands up to get a treat, if she can do that, does that mean she probably *doesn't* have a PT?
I admit, I have not read up on these tumors, it just makes me too sad, since losing Cookie recently.
Hope stands for a puffed wheat by catnapt, on Flickr
another even blurrier photo- the small tumor is under the "arm" on the right, the one with the curled paw
Hope by catnapt, on Flickr
what do you think?
does it look like PT?