Another Neuter - Healing Time

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2012
I spoke to Jorats about this just to get a more vetren opinion about my situation, but basically as topic goes, I'm going to get my last only boy Gizmo neutered next Monday.

Reasons why is, despite I felt that Gyro and Nes were my two most troubled boys, Gizmo has taken up a hobby of being an over dominant alpha rat, and has persisted to tackle Nes and Gyro despite they been neutered, and has proceeded to chase them and rip facial hair off them. Nes bares a bite wound on his cheek just to prove how naughty Gizmo has become. Granted he's tackled and pinned them before, but apparently he's uppened the anty and has gone from simple rough tackle, to chasing biting over dominant tackling.

I'm terrified of neutering, espcially after the first three days of waiting for Gyro and Nes to come around and heal properly. I do feel a bit more prepared though for the worst that's for sure. And rather then get all worked up with worry, I'm trying to look at the positive side to it all. All my boys will be neutered so they should get along better, :thumbup: in the future should I feel like I can, I could rescue them some girlfriends :thumbup: :thumbup: and thirdly when that sad time comes when they are of age and start to fade over to the bridge, at least they won't be alone if they have a few little girl companions to keep them company :cuddle:

As I've said to Jorats, I never had girls, and I've always wanted them, with my boys neutered that could happen now with better chances of an intro going more smoothly. I don't plan on getting girls straight away, more like something along the lines when my boys come of age. Eventually one of them is going to go first, and they'll be lonely when its just one of them in the cage. I had wanted to rescue some little baby girls so that they won't be alone when that happends. It's defiently a positive way to look at all of it. So at this point I'm just asking for everyone here to send me comforting words, and support. Again Gizmo's neuter is schedualed for next Monday in the morning. Early heal vibes and comforting words are appreciated!

Naughty Gizmo, great with people, naughty with his brothers!


Yes I keep telling myself how good this will be in the long run, I just gotta try not to worry about it and keep an eye on him till then, gah but its just the waiting after the surgery and making sure he doesn't tear himself up :(
Well as a little treat for him, me and Gizmo are going up to my little day care center where my NEW job is! *very happy* and he's going to say hello to the kiddies. Gizmo loves people, and loves attention so he's gonna have a blast with that hehe
I'll definitely be thinking of you & Gizmo. I bet everything will go without a hitch :heart:
I can only hope...

Tomrrow is Gizmo's neuter everyone, I'll be out all day to do it since the vet is the same vet I took Gyro and Nes to, far out at least an hour's travel. If they haven't changed their proceedures, he'll go into surgery sometime in the morning and be ready for pick up between 2 and 3pm my time. Hard part afterwards is keeping an eye on him and making sure he doesn't badly rip himself up. Gyro and Nes ripped open their glued areas, what seemed like a horrible sight, with the fact it was fatty tissue that fell out, their wounds actually healed fine on their own. I'm hoping thats the only worst case scenario with Gizmo, that or he won't mess with his wounds at all and they will heal fast...I can only hope... Wish us luck tomrrow everyone :(
Goodluck! I'll be thinking of him & sending smooth surgery vibes his way :heart: & hugs to both of you! :hugs: :hugs:
If they did stitches last time try to ask for glue only. I had very few rats pick at their and the ones who did had the PICA behavior. Make sure you have metacam and when you are able to give it to him.
We are home, surgery went well, but the vet said and I quote "He 'was' a very proud male rat! Biggest boys I've ever seen, despite his size! Very easy to remove, surgery went well. However, due to that his area was in fact so big, we decided to try a experimentry enclosure, with glue and staples this time. I feel like without the staples, the incision area would easily burst open since your other boys were persistent with pulling the glue off and ripping themselves open. If he rips out the staples though, the glue should hold unless he keeps messing with it. If he does open up, keep him in a clean area and dry. He needs to come back in 7days to have the staples removed should he not mess with them. Otherwise I don't forsee any issues, I'll call you daily to check up on him."

I've looked at his incision area, it looks like he has peircings... I was a bit worried that they went ahead with this but he was concerned about him opening up the incision area, and since he had alot of space to work with they were confident in this type of inclosure. I know some of you may think otherwise but what's done is done, at this point all I can do is keep an eye on him and keep him comfortable. Far as I can tell though, aside from him streatching his backside out alot, he seems to not be in that much discomfort, he's eating and drinking and wanting to come out and play with the others, which Im not allowing. I dont plan on putting him back with the others either till Wensday. Till then they are in good contact with each other during play time. Send healing vibes plz! Thankyou!
I am a little confused...its still a small incision they remove the testicles through,so why is it such a big area he needs staples? Staples really shouldnt be used for neuters as the tissue is so friable and will tear easily.

Can you post a pic?
They are extremely small staples, but i'll try to post a pic tomrrow if i have time
I'm glad the surgery went well and he is home with you safe and sound.
And I would like to see the staples too - I have never had any stapled incisions, either for my pets or myself.
I guess my question would be that if they were going to use staples, why wouldn't they have just sutured it?
Ok sorry for the blurriness but Gizmo would not cooperate for pics, he is very energetic and bouncy despite he had surgery recently. He keeps chewing on the temp cage bars wanting to be left out to play. But anyways here is the best one I could get from last night:


He's not messed with his incisions so far, this morning he was all energetic and wanting to be left out again but sadly I couldn't. And like I said, the vet wanted to do an experimental closure since my boys were persistent with ripping the glue off their incisions (which they did and made me flip out). He didn't want to use stiching or sutures because if my boys were persistent enough to rip the glue out, then sutures wouldn't stand a chance either. He wanted to see if this sort of closure might work for my gizmo. And so far there's not been a problem with the incision area, Gizmo has licked some of the blood off but hasn't mess with the staples, so I'm crossing my fingers at this point that it will continue.

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