They really do LOVE to be with us. It's wonderful! Even when they seem so "shy" and "nervous", they still want us to be around.
We got our first rats 6 weeks ago, and they've had free range of our son's room since Day 1.
We got two new rats last week, and to make things fair, we have both cages out in the hallway as a neutral area for them to smell each other and such. During out time, the doors to rooms are closed and they roam the hallway.
I thought our first rats might be missing "their" space in our son's room so I've opened the door a couple times for just them to go in there... they go in briefly, but come right back out in the hallway again. In the room they have the bed to run around on, the dresser, which has a fleece cover on it for them, a hanging shelf in the closet that they used to love to climb, the laundry basket to play in... nope. I'd put them in the room, and they'd come back out into the hallway.
I figure it's for many reasons... their cage/home is now in the hallway, I remain in the hallway (as a go-between), and even though they aren't 100% with the new rats yet, they're still companions for them.
I do think having their home nearby is a comfort for sure. Even though they don't go in it much at all during out time, they still love to climb all over they're being reassured that it's still there, and it's still 100% theirs.
scarecrow817: Definitely try some different things with them. LA has given you some great advice. I'm so new to having pets, but I'm learning as I go and I just find rats to be so amazing. Good luck, and keep us posted on what you try and your progress. Maybe you've just made their cage way too cozy for them! :lol: