Aggresive in his cage

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
Prince Edward Island
My rat Charlie has been acting very sketchy and aggressive since the day he bit my mom and I to blood because the dog was around. (He's scared of the dog)
That same night, he attacked Smokey for the first time and has done it again many times since. Smokey is really scared of him.
A week later, he bit my brother to blood as well for no apparent reason.
Now, we keep him away from all the other animals in the house and he lives alone with Smokey.
They're my only two rats.

When I try to pick him up out of the cage, he gets sketchy and his fur gets all fluffy.. which means he's mad, I suppose.
So I get scared and I give up on picking him up.
Sometimes, when calmer, he'll let me pick him up and as soon as he's out of the cage, he's back to being a total sweetie like he was before! He gives kisses, doesn't pick on Smokey, etc.
He's very protective of his cage and doesn't like my hands in there.

Well, last night, I finally had the courage to give him a bath (real quick and careful!) and I put him back in his cage and he became super after giving Smokey a bath, I kept him on me so Charlie wouldn't attack him. After a while, I let Smokey walk on the top of the cage then I heard a squeak and Charlie had bitten one of Smokey's toes and it was bleeding. So I cleaned his cut and I kept him on me for a couple of hours. Then it was supper time and I had no choice but to put him back in the cage... they both seemed calmer and Smokey didn't hesitate to get back in the cage, so I thought he'd be fine.
I came back.. and I found blood on Smokey's back and on his belly. Charlie had bitten him pretty bad on his stomach.. so at this point I had enough and I trapped Charlie in a hamster cage, gave him a toy, food, water and a blanket and I left him there all night.
I cleaned Smokey's cuts and put him back in the big cage so he could relax...

They always have little fights but it's never been this bad.
I understand that Charlie must have not recognized him because of the bath.. but did he really need to attack him that badly? This is not normal.

So.. I was wondering if getting Charlie fixed would get rid of all aggressiveness. Would he not be territorial anymore and will him and Smokey not fight anymore?
I'm really sick of this...
It's really expensive around here so I want to make sure that it will indeed stop him from being so sketchy and aggressive..
Oh, and will it make him calmer too? He's always a bit nervous.
smilez_n_hugs said:
How old is he? I would definitely go for a neuter which will help with his aggression towards Smokey and help him to not be so "sketchy".
About 10-11 months old.

missnikki said:
Call your vet and find out what they charge to neuter.
I already have. 50$ for the checkup and 100$ for the neuter. and who knows if they'll prescribe antibiotics too.
That's a good price for the neuter so unless there is something else that has changed in his environment I would say it's his hormones getting to him and he needs a neuter.
I would definitely get him neutered. He needs help controlling his hormones. I'm sure a neuter will help him become happy again. As for cage aggressive, he might always have a thing for intruders like human hands in his cage so you need to be more careful.
I'm just going to go ahead and agree with the above statements. Post-neuter if you're still seeing him being aggressive over humans entering his cage, you'll need to work on desensitizing him to you having your hands in there and just be really slow and calm when dealing with him. But neuter first LOL
I suggest a neuter, like mentioned above. It isn't a guarantee FYI, i'm dealing with such a fellow right now.
He's aggressive with me, and other rats, in and out of the cage. He was neutered well over 3 mnths ago, and i'm having issues with this lil dude!
I won't give up, I keep truckin along, as that is what we're supposed to do as loving, caring pet ppl.
So, don't give up, and try the neuter, i've done many and 99% of the time, they work....
Good luck with his neuter! And remember, sometimes it takes a while for the hormones to leave his system, so don't get discouraged if it seems as though nothing has changed for the first little while.
Joanne said:
Good luck with his neuter! And remember, sometimes it takes a while for the hormones to leave his system, so don't get discouraged if it seems as though nothing has changed for the first little while.

I'll be patient for the first 3 weeks, then after that, he better change! haha
Hopefully him and Smokey can be best friends now.
Alright, so his appointment was today and it all went well. :)
He was fully awake when I picked him up and rather calm.
I brought him home and kept him in the hamster cage for a little while.. just to watch him closely.
He seems to be dragging his behind when he walks.. probably from discomfort or pain?
He's been sleeping all day since he got home and seemed really depressed... so I just put him back in his big cage with Smokey, where he can relax in one of his 5 different beds, haha.
He's doing good with Smokey so far, no fights or anything and he's a little more awake. Smokey seems a bit curious about his shaven behind, haha.
Dr Scott at Islandview Hospital prescribed him Metacam liquid for the pain and that's about it.
Hopefully he recovers quickly!
jorats said:
Can you distract him with something yummy to eat like soy milk?

Yes, I try to distract him when I see him doing it, but I can't always be there to stop him. I'm hoping he wont take his stitch out. So far so good, though.

Is it normal that he's been laying in really weird positions? Like on the side, legs in the air, etc.
Probably trying to cut the pain and discomfort?
jorats said:
Ya, they can do that.
Also, if you do see he has opened up his incision, don't worry, it happens and usually closes up soon after.

Well, his ripped out his stitch on the first night, but his incision didn't open.

Although.. is it normal that it's a bit swollen down there?

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