afraid to ask but need to know

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Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2009
My oldest girl (age 2 yrs two weeks) has 3 tumors, one armpit, one groin and one inguinal

(she wasn't a good candidate for surgery)

unless she gets sick with a URI or something, um, will she pass away on her own from the tumors, or.........and I going to be forced to make that horrible decision and have her PTS at some point?


I don't think I can do it. I have had to do it before but I don't think I can make that decision for Clair, she is my #1 :heart: rat.
I'm afraid you might very well need to be the strong one here. You'll know as you get there, as it becomes obvious that it's up to you.
We'll be here for you... we'll cry with you.
The chances are that you may need to make the call for her, the strong spirited rats tend to hang on well after their bodies have given up BUT she may surprise you and just pass in her sleep.
I have had a few girls with PT's and Mammary tumors pass on their own but i have also had to make the call on a few as their minds were so very active still but their body was no longer able.

Will be wishing for a quick passing for her, when she is ready.
thanks everyone
ATez, my vet doesn't know anything about those implants

I had been feeling something was "off" with her the last couple of days and now I realize what it is- in spite of a robust appetite, she's losing weight, she's starting to be more loose skin and tumor, very little muscle mass etc

she tries like crazy to pull herself around at her usual speed, esp to get to a tasty treat, but her body is already failing her in minor ways

oh, this sucks.

is it time to give her Ensure and baby food ?
I recently let my heart rat go, Stewart. I never thought I could ever make THAT call, just thinking of it and my head screamed no. But that morning he failed badly, I blinked and I was home from the vet and he was gone. I dont remember anything but through all the mess, I went into shock and made the call, got him in, let him go and made it home and then it all set in. I think without the shock, he would have suffered as I dont think I could have done it all with a calm mindset. When her time comes and you know its her time, you'll do it. When you loose hope and realize there is nothing left for them but peace, the right choice is easier than facing it right now, since she is still holding on and ok. Sending hugs to your heart ratters :(
Unfortunately anything sugary will feed those tumours even more... you're probably reaching the point where anything she eats is going to go straight to her growths and not feed her body but sugars will make it even worse.
If she's losing weight I would give her Ensure and baby foods. What did the vet say about the inguinal tumor? That would be the one I would worry most about causing pain. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Just take it day by day with your sweetie. You'll know when it's time.
oh ok, thanks for the info on the sugars! that's why I haven't given Ensure, because I think it's very sweet, isn't it?
Shelagh mentioned soy milk with the baby cereal so that's what I"ll do- I'm sure she'll love that

so it's still low protein too?
is extra fat ok? like say, a few nuts or some sunflower seeds (I don't ordinarily buy those at all)

so glad I've got you all to go thru this with- but sad we have to go thru this stuff at all.
they just never live long enough
my vet also suggests small portions of A/D for situations like this. due to the sugar and dairy in Ensure.

I'm so sorry :( I've had to put down a couple rats due to tumors and it's SO hard. but they do let you know when it's time.
jorats said:
I'd keep the proteins low so not to affect the kidneys.
Giving more "good" fats is good. Might even kick her metabolism back in gear.

oh, thanks for reminding me, I forgot about the kidneys!

I think the tumors are winning though, I'll make a new post about that- I think it may be time any day now


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