Hey everyone! Two of my 9 month old dumbo girls, Tavi and Star, live together in half a CN. They are not siblings, but when I got them from separate owners (they were about 5 months old) and introed them, they became friends very quickly. When I got Tavi, she had an inner ear infection and was treated, and she still has a bit of a residual head tilt. She is fearless, jumps off of beds, etc. Her and Star were two peas in a pod. Tavi, although smaller, was alpha and would often power groom Star who would lay there and squeak a little, but not mind. Now, (about 4 months later), Star has been picking on Tavi for a few weeks, chasing her and nipping at the base of her tail so that there are little red marks, and nips at her ears too. She power grooms Tavi, on her ears, hard enough to break the skin. Tavi squeaks a lot, sometimes louder than just a 'protest' squeak and she does not sleep with Star in the same hammock any more. :sad3: Lately I have put diluted tea tree oil on the base of Tavi's tail in an effort to deter Star from biting there, and it has kind of worked, but not completely. Since they lick at Polysporin, I don't want to put it on Tavi's ears for healing...the last thing I want is for Star to be drawn it. I tried putting diluted tea tree oil on Tavi's ears, to keep Star away, but the pungent oil so close to her nose and eyes made her obviously uncomfortable so I didn't go ahead with it. I don't think it's a good idea to use something that would harm or irritate sensitive membranes.
Does anyone have any advice about this change of behaviour, what I could do (I don't want to separate them unless really necessary), what to put on her ears so Star won't hurt them? Here's a pic, not a very good one, but the best I could get for now, she's very active and seldom still. Her ears are not torn, the one looks like it, but it's the angle of the camera. Her right ear has some dots from before that have healed, but Star is persistent and Tavi's ears never get a chance to heal completely.
Does anyone have any advice about this change of behaviour, what I could do (I don't want to separate them unless really necessary), what to put on her ears so Star won't hurt them? Here's a pic, not a very good one, but the best I could get for now, she's very active and seldom still. Her ears are not torn, the one looks like it, but it's the angle of the camera. Her right ear has some dots from before that have healed, but Star is persistent and Tavi's ears never get a chance to heal completely.