Abscesses *sigh*

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
Nova Scotia
Ok, so my 5 boys are all neutered, the first three were done in May and the last of which were done well before the end of July. Three developed post neuter abscesses. We all went to the vet, got checked out, the abscesses were drained and medication was given (Batril). This was MONTHS ago.
Two weeks ago I was doing one of my regular check-overs and I noticed that two of them (George and Mortimer) had abscesses. One was neutered in May and the other was in July. We went to a new vet, had them lanced and they were given batril. The vet said that they are likely a result of the neuters. However, the lumps were above the penis to either the left side or right side. There are no puncture wounds and the abscesses are forming in the same places in each of the boys. Tonight I noticed that Cedric and George have lumps. This is George's second one in two weeks only the new lump is on the other side. I'm confused. Firstly because the neuters were done well over 6/7 months ago. I was told the internal stitches should dissolve within 3 months max. Secondly, I didn't think they would develop them above the penis where the surgery took place below it.
I'm taking tomorrow off work to take them back to the vet. Has anyone had this happen? Is it likely that they are a result from the neuters?
I have it happen regularly to my Percy *male* and Pumpkin *female* and it's always in the same spot, right about their lil privates. I'm borderline obsessive about their cages being clean and house them on fleece. The vet told me that with the placement of the abscesses on my two, it was more than likely from them not keeping themselves clean after peeing. Even if the slightest bit gets in the hair down there and stays, the urine actually causes a burn on the skin, which can then abscess if not caught fast enough. Just so happens that these two are also my hammock marinater who enjoy rolling around in their own pee soaked beds, or snoozin' in the poop boxes :wallbang: :sick2:
I remember reading somewhere where someone also had persistent abscesses. You could always ask your vet to do a culture to find out exactly which med will kill the bacteria once and for all.
yep i had to switch from baytril to a smz-tmp, sulfur based suspension that worked to keep good bacteria as well as knock out the bad. it's also a free moving ab (words my vet used) so it was more likely to work faster by working through the bloodstream and the tissues of the abscess specifically rather than passing through the system quickly.
Well, I took George, Cedric, and Mortamer (he developed another abscess) to Dr. Bligh. He lanced them all and told me he suspects that this is the result of the residue from the stitches. He recommended against the culture test for now, however, if they keep coming back the he will definitely do it. They were given batril again.
So the boys are all snuggled up with their heating packs in their igloos shoot dagger stares at me.
Thank you for your suggestions/comments :) Here's hoping this is the end of the abscess saga.
Awww, Nicole, I'm sad to hear your boys are still having problems with abscesses. :(
Poor little squishies! It's weird how some get them and some don't, when they're done by the same vet. I would think that the bugs are starting to get resistant to Baytril by now as they've been on it several times, haven't they?
Their mom, brothers and sisters are sending their healing vibes your way! :hugs:
Very sorry that the boys are experiencing this ...
You and your vet should know that I had several boys neutered this summer by the same vet and 4 of the 6 developed neuters with resistent bacteria ...

After months on cloroamphenicol palmitate & metronidizole, and two surgeries, the 4 boys were finally ok.
Thank you all, if they keep up I will definitely mention all those things to Dr. Bligh. :) I'm glad to hear your boys are finally all better SQ.

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