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New Member
Aug 2, 2009
Hi, my name is andrea, and my rat is DoNn, he is a nacked albinos rat.
DoNn recently had an abcess and is now on antibiotics to help it go away. Unfortunatly he was licking and bitting at it so it is a pretty serious open wound, ive already spent alot of money on vet visits, but nothing seems to work. If anybody has aver dealth with something like that, i would like to know how you dealth with the poblem. thank you.
Andrea and espacially DoNn- :heart: -
Bienvenue! Andrea and DoNn le tounnu. love his I had a hairless once, his name was Frisson TiNu.

Hairless are very prone to skin problems like abscesses and cysts, most specifically keratin cysts.
What I would do at this point would be to flush and keep the area clean. He may heal completely on it's own but if it doesn't or you see it becoming infected, then he'll need antibiotics again. Novotrimel is a good one for abscesses.
i also really like Frisson TiNu for a naked rat name :p

thank you for the info, it will be very helpfull. And i will keep Novotrimel written down incase DoNn gets another abcess or something.. any way thanks again, and by the way i enjoy the forum.
DoNn's abcess/wound grew bigger and bigger, i did all i could, i even made him a cone so he would stop eating it, unfortunately he could still scratch it with his little hands. The wound got so big his genitals were no longer there, there was no more hope in it heeling so i had to put him down, i buried him in my garden and planted some folwers for him, he was a very friendly rat and i will miss him alot. R.I.P DoNn. I will eventually have another rat in my life but not now im very busy and wouldnt want to neglect my future little friend.-hugs & kisses-
Andrea & DoNn_le•tounu
oh Andrea :(
Abscess' can be awful sometimes, my boy recently had one near his genitalia and i was terrified that it would infect him in that area and that it would never heal. Its an awful place for any sort of infection.
So sorry for your loss. You did everything you could :(

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