A lump on Monte's spine *sigh*

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Moncton, NB
I swear this boy loves to stress me out.

He has been having issues since last October when he got an outer ear infection (which we are stilling fighting! :wallbang: ) Then he had the two abscess by his Penis not to long ago and not he has this huge lump on his back on his spine.

It was quite large and I thought at first it was an abcess because he had gotten in a fight with someone and there was a little gash there. But the lump didn't feel like an abscess and is quite hard and moves under the skin kinda like a mamary tumor.

It has gone down in size a little bit but it's still quite hard.

Has anyone delt with something like this? I'm wondering if they can do surgery on him where it's right on his spine area?

Dr. Gallon thinks he has an immune disorder with all these things that keep happening to him. I'm starting to agree. Ever since his ear infection it's one thing after the other.

Any idea's?

I'm going to Email Dr. Gallon and see what she thinks as well but wanted to see if anyone on here has delt with something like this.
My Rylee had a lump on his spine or going through his spine. My vet was able to remove most of it but like typical cancer, it came right back full force.
But... it could be a regulary cyst in which case, doesn't really need to be removed unless it's causing him discomfort. What you'd need to know is if the tumour is also internal. With Rylee, the tumour on the outside was the tip of the iceberg. It was huge inside and crushing his organs.
Your vet would be able to tell how deep it actually goes.
Poor Monte... he's made genetically wrong. :(
That's what I was afraid of that it could be cancer *sighs* poor guy. The lump doesn't seem to hurt him but I can tell he's not feeling good. He just has that vibe about him. I'll have to get him into Dr. Gallon this week to find out what's going on with the poor guy. I've never had a rat that had to go to the vet so much in such a short amount of time.
So Dr. Gallon is thinking it was a cyst where the lump deflated. We're going to keep an eye on it and if we see it get big we'll take him in right away to get her to take a sample of it. It's pretty much gone except for a tiny little bump that you can feel more under the skin almost like a mammmary tumor.
Hopefully this will be it for the poor guy. He's haveing rough luck .
I checked him over good again last night and couldn't even feel that tiny bump so it's totally gone! Which is great for him. But not we have issues with his daughter, Ezri's Eye. *sighs* why do they decide to get these things all at the same time.

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