A couple questions!

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Active Member
Mar 5, 2010
Hamilton, ON
Two of my boys have very thin fur and I was wondering if this is normal for their age (2 months old). Their one brother seems to have a full coat of fur, and all his brothers and sisters all look like their fur has grown in already.

Oscar's fur is thick on his belly and around his legs, but all along his back I can see through the hair to his pink skin. His brother Cecil isn't as pink but his fur is still more thin than Loki's. Unfortunately I can't get a decent picture because Oscar is the most active of the three and won't hold still long enough... and when he does, my camera won't pick up that level of detail so it looks like his coat is full when it's not.

There is a visible line where his thick coat ends and his thin coat begins. Is it possible his hair is just growing in more slowly than on his bros? He doesn't have any scabs and he doesn't scratch more than your average rat. I'm fairly sure the other two aren't barbering him, because he wouldn't let them hold him down (he's the bossy one of the bunch).

My other question involves Loki. He has scabs next to his eyes and I'm just wondering if that could be because his nails are too long and he's scratching himself when he grooms? That I DO have a picture of.

He's the one grooming (he does it ALL the time, he's very clean). I'm afraid to trim their nails because I might hurt them. I have very shaky hands and have a hard enough time trimming my gigantic dog's nails without hurting him. Other than the scabs he seems fine. He eats like a pig (he's already squishier than his brothers) and he drinks just fine too. He doesn't have any discharge from his eyes or nose than I can see and he's no more lethargic than usual (he's a lazy boy, he loves to sleep).

My final question is how do you know when rats are FIGHTING? I see Oscar and Loki bouncing around their cage all the time nipping at each other and smacking each other in the face but they never squeak or make any kind of noise at all really. I think they're just playing but I want to make sure. Is it normal for rats to 'wrestle' like that? They roll around attached to each other like they're one big ball of fur, but yeah, no squeaking at all.

Sorry to ask so many questions, but I just want to make sure my boys are all healthy! :) Back to the fur issue before I post; my boys spent the first three weeks with me in an aquarium. Could that have something to do with it? I got them out as soon as they were big enough to go in their wire cage without escaping through the bars (even though the cage was recommended to me as safe for baby rats :emb: silly petsmart employees. They're also a little smaller than most of their brothers (though I just took Cecil yesterday night and he's smaller than both of them and never spent time in an aquarium). My sister's boys, who are from the same litter, are much bigger than mine, so much so that I needed to pick them up in both hands when I went to visit as opposed to only using one hand.

Thanks in advance you guys, for the help/knowledge I know you will undoubtedly bestow upon my unknowing self! :bow:
Could they be double rexes? I would imagine they're just playing especially at that age. Can you get a pic of the ones with less fur?
I don't think they're double rexes because their mom and dad were just feeder rats from a pet store.

I will try to get a picture of Oscar if I can get him to hold still, hopefully my camera will pick up on the thin hair this time. I'll post it very soon.

ETA: No matter how much I try, my camera can't pick up on the difference. I don't know how to explain it without a picture. Should I try drawing something simple in paint to give you some idea of what I mean?
Young babies (boys especially!) can wrestle and make QUITE the ruckus when they're playing, so if they're not squeaking I wouldn't worry about it... that's actually kind of odd because playing can often mean a LOT of squeaking!

Thin hair might mean they're moulting? But if you're seeing a lot of grooming/scratching you probably want to treat for mites/lice.
I think around your boys eyes is dried phorphyrin.... phorphyrin is a red substance that comes from glads behind their eyes (can come from their nose or eyes) and is often mistaken for blood. If your boys are new, it could just be that he's settling in and not anything to worry about.

Unless your boys are hurting eachother badly and stressed out I think you're right, they are just playing.
Well he's not BRAND new, I've had him and Oscar (the one with the thin fur) for at least a month now. Cecil is the newest one, I only just got him last night, and he's adjusting super quickly and he's already getting used to my hand (probably because the other boys aren't scared of me and come to the cage bars whenever I come over to check on them. Having a little phorphyrin around his eyes doesn't mean he's ill, right? None of them are sneezing or wheezing or anything.

There's not an excessive amount of grooming or scratching going on, I don't think. I only see Oscar scratching maybe once or twice a day and it's usually only for a second or two. Loki is the only one of them who grooms a lot, I think he's just more clean than the other two. He's the one who started the potty-corner in their cage. He grooms when I pick him up and put him down, he grooms after he eats, and he obsessively grooms me every time I sit down with him (licking my shoulders, my neck, my chest etc).

Oscar's definitely not a double rex. It's not so much that he has bald patches, just that he has very thick hair on his belly and legs, and thinner hair around his back/neck. His brothers and sisters were the same way too, but their hair has all come in. Maybe his hair just takes longer to grow? Cecil's hair is a little thin around his face and neck.

Can you explain moulting to me? Does it involve losing his hair as part of illness/parasites/bugs, or is it just something natural that rats go through sometimes?

Thanks to everyone for the replies so far! Before I came here I was relying on google to help me answer my questions and it wasn't really working out. :)

ETA: I thought it was weird that they don't make a lot of noise myself. My sister had to put her boys in a different room because they would wake her up all hours of the night squeaking and wrestling around. Hers even squeak to one another when she returns one to the cage after holding it. My boys are very quiet! Maybe they're louder at night but I sleep like a LOG and wouldn't wake up even if a plane crashed out front!
That makes me feel a lot better. I thought he was too young to get his adult coat, though. When does that usually come in... or is there some kind of in-between coat they get?

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