3 broken teeth

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Active Member
Feb 9, 2008
London, ON
Today I took one of my girls, Sox, to the vet because I noticed she wasn't able to eat hard foods like lab blocks. She's a squirmy little girl so I couldn't get a good look, but the vet gassed her and found that her top teeth are broken along with one of her bottom teeth. I was told they'd grow back, but I was wondering if anyone knew about how long it would take, and if there's anything I can do to help the process? I first noticed the problem about a month ago, so I guess I'm a little surprised that her teeth haven't really grown at all since then. Could she be wearing down the broken teeth by trying to eat hard foods and preventing them from growing back to normal length? The one bottom tooth she does still have wasn't overgrown, so she must be wearing it down somehow. I know these are all questions I should have asked the vet, but I never seem to think of them until their office is closed. Right now my plan is to just keep feeding them a mix of harder foods for the ones with teeth and softer foods so Sox doesn't get malnourished, but I'd be glad to hear any advice from all of you.
I have a girl with dental problems so I'm quite familiar with this issue, when teeth are broken inside the cog flesh, they should grow back in 2 months.
When they don't grow back they can be growing croocked inside the cog flesh or they can grow backwards (towards the jaw).

An X-ray should give you a more definite answer.
It sounds like they were just broken, if that remaining tooth was still normalish and not overgrown. Were they broken below the gumline?

I feed soft foods and hard foods and once Angels teeth are trimmed she is able to eat the blocks. They still have those grinding teeth at the back so they aren't completely without.

That remaining tooth will need trimming because the opposing tooth it normally grinds down on isn't there any longer. So definitely a break and not just a malloclusion?

I thought Angels teeth were broken

But she had just developed malloclusion...she gets her teeth trimmed every 3 weeks and they seem a bit straighter after 2 visits :)
Donshini, I never knew that about the cog flesh. I'll have to ask my vet because my Nessie broke a tooth a while back and it has never grown back. Can we see anything if it's not growing properly? Only with xrays?

Randy, I too am like that...I find all my questions after I'm home. :crazzzy:
jorats said:
Donshini, I never knew that about the cog flesh. I'll have to ask my vet because my Nessie broke a tooth a while back and it has never grown back. Can we see anything if it's not growing properly? Only with xrays?

Randy, I too am like that...I find all my questions after I'm home. :crazzzy:

It sounds like the tooth bud came out too, Jo :)
jorats said:
Donshini, I never knew that about the cog flesh. I'll have to ask my vet because my Nessie broke a tooth a while back and it has never grown back. Can we see anything if it's not growing properly? Only with xrays?

Randy, I too am like that...I find all my questions after I'm home. :crazzzy:

My vet speciales in rats, rabbits and prarie dogs, she writes veterinary articles about teeth problems on these animals, and gives colleges about them . She told me that when a tooth doesn't grow back, there is a chance that it is growing to the opposite side (inside the jaw). But I'll call her this week to get more details on that matter, and I'll post them here.
Is the tooth visible or not?
My vet thought they looked broken. She tried to show me, but I only managed to get a look at the top teeth before Sox started squirming again. All I could see were two little yellow nubs. I only got a very quick look, but they didn't look jagged, like I imagine a break would, but if she broke them awhile ago they could be worn down/smoothed out? I didn't get to see her lower jaw, she started biting on the cotton swab the vet was using to open her mouth to show me. Her remaining tooth didn't look overgrown, but I will keep a close eye on it. If she did in fact break them only recently I'll wait a few weeks to see if they're growing and if her one tooth needs trimming, and if she appears to be bothered by any of them I'll get an xray done to get to the bottom of the problem.
I saw my vet today jo, there are some hypothesis regararding the tooth of your rattie.

Because an incisor tooth of a rat has no root...

1: It can be that the growing disk of the tooth is hit, and that it just stopped growing forever
2: it can be that the tooth is growing backwards
3: it can be that there is forming a "ball" of dental tissue inside that can put pressure on the nose (respatory problems) => this is seen regularly on prairy dogs and rabbits, but it is possible with rats aswell.

an x-ray should give you more info.

If you or your vet want more info on these problems she will gladly help you via mail.
Her name is "Inge Thas" I can pm you her e-mail adress, she knows some vets in canada in the US and comes to the US regularly for colleges and congresses.

(I hope my info is well-defined 'cause I'm having some trouble with translating this medical stuff)
Thanks donshini!
I'm still keeping an eye on it, if I see any change in her behaviour as in signs of pain, I'll bring her in. My vet has removed incisors and molars before. I'll definitely let you know we need more information.
That was very helpful.

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