2 questions

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Burbank, CA
1. what exactly is a double rex? someone mentioned that before when I posted about my hairless boy but he still had that peach fuz on him. however at about 3 months old now, he still has a thin layer of fuz on him and I'm not sure if that's normal for hairless or not. and also, the little brown spot on his back has expanded into a larger marking on his rump. not sure what that classifies as but it's sure cute :heart:

2. Well I'm small on space and I have 2 cages, 1 for boys and 1 for girls which are next to each other. Someone said before that their constant arguing and peeing everywhere was because of the girls. But i also read that they were supposed to be really clean animals and keep themselves and the others clean. Buuut, whenever I pet my boys, my hands get covered in like... this ick. It's almost like the result after grabbing a peed on hammock or blanket. My hands don't get sticky, but their not smooth like normal, it's well... ick, and it smells like rat urine so i'm suspecting their peeing on each other's backs or something. Is there an easy way to clean them without having to bathe them? I hate bathing them, they hate it and it's just real stressful and I've only given them a total of like 3-4 baths in the past year but I still think that's too much. So anyone know of an easy way to keep them clean? I can't fix them right now, I wish I could but I don't have the transportation to get to the rat vet that's 3 hours away nor the money to pay for it.
Hairless rats are completely hairless... double rexes always have some fuzz on them, some more then others and sometimes they lose the fuzz in one place and grows in another. They are quite adorable.

Having your boys in the same room as the girls will make for the boys to produce more sebum as well as to mark all over the cage and yes, including themselves.
Ah i was wanting to ask the same question about the hairless. Theres a little guy in the pet shop near me classed as 'hairless' and costing £22.50 (thats SUPER expensive for a rat. Hoodies are common and go between £4 and £6.50), yet he has white fur - almost peach fuzz. Knowing that he isn't ACTUALLY a hairless, i could probably get the price of him knocked down if i was to buy him (and i so badly want to!). muahahahahahaaaa
Try and separate the cages so they are on opposite sides of the room. That alone should make a big difference.
You can buy pet wipes or baby wipes that you can use to give your boys a bit of a cleaning without having to resort to a bath.
Alright thanks everyone. So that means my boy is a double rex and not hairless cause he does have that peach fuz on him x3 And i'll try my best to separate the boys and girls cage but the way my room is set up, i'm not sure if I can.

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