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The MAD lickers!!! :lol:
1. You taste good. :shock:
2. She :heart: 's you she REALLY :heart: 's you!! :giggle:
I had a licker like this once, ButterBean. :hugs:
He was a fiend!! :cheeky:
In my experience some rats get licky when they are very content. Obie frequently licks my hands if I pet him, or my arm or any part of me that is close to his mouth when he is curled up with me. Maz does this as well. I used to wonder if maybe they had some mineral deficiency in their diet, skin has that salty taste to it and I thought maybe that was it. But now I really do just think it's something some rats will do, much in the same way dogs do. Vet visits are no fun, and perhaps your Mrs. Brisby was just feeling extra comforted and safe and snuggly with you.

But I suppose it could also be a coping mechanism as well, depending on the particular rat and the circumstances. Who knows.
I usually get licked at at least a few times every night when the boys are out to play,not sure if they are trying to groom me or not but I always tell them I am not dirty. :giggle:
The 3 boys i got from MRRG are lickers, they will lick me whenever i go see them and skwisgaar is the worst he will keep licking you until you leave or give him a treat. My 2 dumbos arent big lickers, Dante does it a little bit but Virgil never does it.
One of my rats is a licker. She will lick me if she runs up to me and it's only for a second and then she's running around again. I've also noticed that if I pick her up and she really would rather be running around and not be in my grasp she will lick me as if to say, "Can you please put me down. I want to run and play"
I always took these "licks of desperation" as their way of asking nicely!
My rat Bijoux is a major licker and has been all her life, lol. Any time I open the cage or if you put your hand out to let her climb onto you she ALways has to give you a good lick before walking on, lol. I think it is a sign of affection, but of course it's probably different for different rats. :)
Princess did exactly what your Mrs. Brisby does - lick you until you're a wrinkled raisin! Princess looooooved licking my chest or my stomach, basically *everywhere* she could reach when she was in my shirt.

It's a singular blessing when you have a rat who's like that - enjoy it!
My youngest one Almond licks me all the time, even if I had just washed my hands and have no food on them. He licks everyone, my hubby, my mom, dunno about my dad tho... lol. He's a licker, and seems to like to want to groom me. He'll even hold onto my hubby's hand when he pulls it slowly away and will still be licking. It's like Almond is saying "Wait, I'm not finished!" lol. So cute. xD
My other guy, Peanut, is a dumbo, and he doesn't lick unless I have something on my finger or hand for him to lick. lol.

I think it can be a collection of things. Like in dogs, they lick for more than one reason. Dogs lick when they're happy and when they're stressed. If they're stressed, they lick in order to keep themselves calm. I think rats probably do the same thing, so it can be either or- or a combo- like a "I'm a little stressed, but I love you too, so here's some lovin'." lol!
Hope is my Extreme Licker...anywhere she can...she likes necks, and chests and faces and hands especially...the rest don't get the same attention. Actually with Hope its my gauge of how she is feeling. If she stops licking then I know she's not well...but that hasn't been for a while now :heart: :heart:

Some rats do, some don't. Maybe your girl was trying to comfort you since you were worried about her at the vets? :cheeky:
I've had two ratties that were lickers. My first rat, Nevermore would lick me quite often. And my current sweet heart, Krone is a pretty hard core licker as well. It's funny, I've also noticed that these two are/were the most attached to me out of all the ratlets I've had over the years. Not that I have favorites, but these two are top of the list.

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