
The Rat Shack Forum

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  1. Kaitiboo

    Best malt brand for ratties?

    I know malt paste is a favored bribery tool, but what brand/s are safest/ most liked by your babies?
  2. P

    Picky eaters?

    I recently got two girls, Pigeon and Cliff. They're from a pet store, probably supposed to be feeder rats. I don't think they had ever eaten anything but lab blocks. So anyways, they liked spinach and raspberries. I made the mistake of giving them a little cheese and bread, not exactly healthy...
  3. I

    Can rats get sick from eating too much?

    I have read online that they have the ability to eat just when they’re hungry but for some reason my babies always seem to be hungry and i’m scared that giving them food such as Yogis will make them sick even if they are made for rats and other small animals.
  4. Kye

    Recommended snacks ?

    Hiya.! I was looking around and I wanted to get another opinion(or a few~) on snacks.! I limit the yogies because of the sugar content... I was wondering what you guys would recommend for snacks.? I'd prefer to buy them other than make them because I fear I might mess it up- I read about Malt...
  5. K

    Diet Ideas for Teddy

    Hi guys, The vet and I have concluded that Teddy is most likely suffering from kidney problems. The pellets he normally eats have the nutrients he needs (according to my vet) but he doesn't like to eat too much at one time. However, he LOVES eating new treats and snacks. So, in order to get...
  6. J

    Flour and water chew treats

    HI guys!! so, when I was little, I would mix up flour and water to a play doh consistency then make "sculptures" and let it harden...I was thinking today, and I think it would be cool to do that for my boys, but mix some little treat pieces in so as the gnaw at it, they get little...