skin issues

The Rat Shack Forum

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  1. Sharp

    Dry scabby patches on youngin, Diagnosis?

    One of my new ~4-5 week old rats has patches of dry skin, they were getting amoxicillin in their water because they were sneezy, as well as a tiny bit of invermectin for any worms or mites from getting them. None of the other babies seem to have the patches or bald spots. Looking for a diagnosis...
  2. L

    Red patches on rats tail

    Does anyone know why my rat might have these red patches on his tail? He doesn’t seem to have any symptoms otherwise. He’s eating and drinking as normal and has normal energy levels. It doesn’t seem to be itchy for him as I don’t see him over grooming the area when he’s out and about. We have a...
  3. A

    Mass on body

    My dirty boy Roach has come up with a massive lump on his body... Has anyone seen this before? It's right and up a bit from his penis and it doesn't seem to be painful, just ugly. There is a small scab on the centre but that's it. It's squishy like a cyst. Could it be an abscess? I do work...
  4. 16kacha

    seborrheic dermatitis

    Does anyone have rats with seborrheic dermatitis? If so can you post photos? I cant find a single photo of a rat with it.