
The Rat Shack Forum

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  1. Sharp

    Dry scabby patches on youngin, Diagnosis?

    One of my new ~4-5 week old rats has patches of dry skin, they were getting amoxicillin in their water because they were sneezy, as well as a tiny bit of invermectin for any worms or mites from getting them. None of the other babies seem to have the patches or bald spots. Looking for a diagnosis...
  2. Mother of Mischief

    Care for Pregnant and Sick Rat

    I got a young, pregnant rat from someone who didn't know she was female and put her in a cage with their male rats (woopsie). I have her in a birthing cage because, according to my that person's account, she should be reaching about day twenty. However, I've noticed that she a has started...
  3. Courtney Carter

    HELP!! Rat with suddenly declining health?

    I am incredibly concerned currently. I have been monitoring my rat fish for a few days, his behavior has changed a bit and I checked him out and eventually noticed his teeth seeming to be over grown. He’s not the biggest chewer but hasn’t struggled until recently. His behavior changed only a few...
  4. Georgia Leigh

    My ratty is sick:(

    Not sure what's up with her. She's falling all over the place and can't really easily get around, though she does have control of her front paws. She doesn't really want to eat or drink, or move much. Is this PT? Or something else? My parents are skeptical about taking her to the vets
  5. R

    Rat drinking her own urine.

    I have seen my pet rat drink her own urine twice today. I cant seem to find much about this on the internet so Im not sure if this is a normal behavior? Three things to note: 1) I have two pet rats and between the two of them they drink an absurd amount of water. Theyre my first rats and Ive...