
The Rat Shack Forum

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  1. S


    Hi! My seven week old girls have started sneezing and grooming a lot more than usual. is that something to worry about?
  2. Bloop

    Butterball is excessively grooming.

    Hello all! So I have four boys: Butterball (The lad in question) Dumpling(Brother purchased from breeder at the same time) Moose + Chip (Brothers added a month later for reasons I will explain below) When I first got Butterball and Dumpling, Butterball always seemed very timid compared to...
  3. K

    Possible Overgrooming in Young Rats, Scabs on Sides?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here! Excited to be apart of this lovely community~ I recently got three beautiful boys from a breeder in early January. They were about 6 weeks old when I got them, so they are probably about 9 weeks old now. I recently noticed that two of them (a...