female rats

The Rat Shack Forum

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  1. linkinmarie

    Pet For Sale Free rats

    2 separate liters one with black and white pattern 5 1/2 months 7 rats: 5 male and 2 female. Another that are 4 months 5 rats: 1 male black and white, and 4 females variety of colors. In need of rehoming, have had lots of human contact and are very sweet. No charge we don't have enough room for...
  2. T

    Why did my rat die at only 1.5 years?

    My rat Rhaegar just passed away last night. (before i continue, this does get a bit gruesome so just a warning.) I went to feed my rats, (there was originally 3 sisters, Rhaegar, Drogon, and Viserys) and only drogon and viserys came out of their sleeping spot for food. i immediately imagined...
  3. MiniWhiskers223

    Adult female rat size?

    Hello just wondering how big y’all’s adult female rats are. I know the sizes vary but I’ve read they can reach up to 9-11 inches not including the tail. Is that true? Also if you have pictures of you holding your adult female rats can you post them for size reference? Mine are still young...
  4. SookieObiRonny&Bear

    fat rat...any advice?

    Hello! Does anyone have any advice they could give me about a lazy inactive rat? Bear's almost a year old, so still young, and usually females are more active than she is. Her cagemate, Sookie, is about the same age, but much smaller and much more active. Sookie has been using the (non-wire) rat...
  5. A

    Need help choosing between cages

    I have limited space width wise for my rat cage so it’s been hard finding a good fit. In a perfect world I would buy a critter nation but that’s just not going to work for now. I’m getting two females and I will make sure they have plenty of free play every day, but I’m still worried about how...
  6. J

    My Female Rats Are Fighting

    Hello, my name is Jena and I have two medium sized female rats who are fighting. I know play-fighting and tiffs for asserting dominance is common with rats but I am worried one may be bulling the other more and I don't know what to do. The rat in question is ending up with wounds and scabs on...