The Dustman has a Lump - ZGT... RIP

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
Poor Dusty, life is sooo unfair to this fear-rat-aggressive rat. He's finally much calmer about me holding him but even though he was neutered AGES ago, he never let go of his fear of other rats and he's big and he can maim, so he lives on his own with periodic tries with other rats of which the results are worse and worse as time passes.

This morning I noticed a big lump on his face...right under the ear. Sigh. I have never been through ZGT before (Zymbals' gland tumour) and was very thankful not to hqave. Well my time ran out to be ZGT-free so I am documenting it here for future rats :(

Notes, the lump is directly under the ear. I cleaned his ear out gently with a Q-tip and there was only liquidy wax, no infection (because he's been unable to clean his own ear I will have to do this for him), his teeth are straight and normal, there's no smell in his mouth. There's small scabs on the top of the lump.

Oh no... Praying that you're wrong and it's only an abcess (...). Brings back painful memories of Charlie all over again... :sad3:

Good luck Dusty... sending tons of healing vibes your way!
And here is the ickiest part about being under quarantine/lockdown. No vet visits, just careful Dusty just has me...he's scared but he's sooo sweet with me :(
Dusty will be getting metacam and baytril tonight.

He is a huge rat, just like Sage his sister is a huge (boy-sized and shaped girl). She also, is rat aggressive except for little Yara whom Sage loves and only occasionally beats up.

His cage is on a dresser below some shelves where I store rat stuff in boxes. He loves being up there, and will say there for hours...its safe, far from other rats. LOL

This looks the same as one of my girls. It was over 8 years ago and began with what I thought was an ear infection (head shaking). Ab's did nothing and eventually that same bump showed up. The vet said tumor & said the odds weren't great with surgery so we took a watch and wait approach (no mention of zymbals at the time). Eventually it opened up, which I thought was because she was always scratching, and we tried the surgery. Within weeks it was back, and a short time after I found her in the cage bleeding from the ear & had her pts.

So very sorry for Dusty, but I'm thankful you are able to share his story so others can see this nasty tumor. Every bit of information you share makes life better for other wee ones out there. <3
Pretty much the same, although it seems to be growing. I keep taking what looks like blood and a bit of pus out of his ear morning and night...but when you smell it, there's no overpowering smell of infection at all.

The only rat I know who even while he's doing the metacam mouth wipe on you...and gagging, he will hunker down in my arms and brux and boggle. My big dangerous to others Baby :heart:

I am heartbroken... he looks like such a good good boy!

But it's funny how his story and Charlie's are so much alike - two siameses scared to death of other rats, but who trust and love their humans to no end. I keep sending tons of healing vibes in the hopes this will turn out to be an abcess after all... can't hurt...
Oh, that sucks...
I too have never had to deal with a ZGT, but I will be able to recognise it if and when it happens thanks to the people who have shared their stories here.
Hugs to you and Dusty :hugs:
I've never dealt with ZGT either, but I wondered if it would be a good idea to have a drain inserted when they first start out to keep the pressure and buildup of fluid down?
RattusNorvegicus said:
I've never dealt with ZGT either, but I wondered if it would be a good idea to have a drain inserted when they first start out to keep the pressure and buildup of fluid down?

In the beginning it seems to be just a regular abscess though, but its the solid tumour is what causes all the issues, so there's no fluid to drain.
So we have some changes to report.

The lump is starting to scab up, high under the ear,and today there was some fresh bleeding from inside the ear, still no infection smell. So far we are on track for ZGT, but of course really hoping its a normal abscess.

I am hoping it's an abscess too. Is it because zymbols is imbedded inside the jaw/head too close to the brain that these things can't be operated on? Or is it because they are highly aggressive? I can't stand these tumors; these and blasted PT's that always 'sneak up' on us and our rats.

Oh, I hope your sweetie will be okay. He is such a darling. Hang in there, Shelagh; this stuff is always so hard to go through, for the rats, and for us. :hugs:

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